Sunday, August 16, 2020

Après nous le déluge

Trump ads are over the top in predicting a dystopia under President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris. 

Does Trump resemble the quote attributed to French King Louis XV's lover, Madam Pompadour, who supposedly said, "Après nous le déluge?" (After us, the deluge), meaning, "After my reign, the nation will be plunged into chaos and destruction.” 

 Meanwhile, Trump's entitled billionaire class of contributors has clashed its contributions. 

Why have I be getting barraged by tedious termagant Trump organized crime family text messages?

It started when I requested two tickets to Tulsa COVID-19 rally, the one that apparently killed Herman Cain. 

Purporring to be from Trump, his children, his wife and his Vice President, the DJT collection of text messages: 
1. affects personal briefings to DJT of contributions
2. airily abuses emotional blackmail and hate-stirring tactics 
3. says Democrats "hate" Trump supporters and sued to stop a rally
4. offers me membership in an elite contributor Hall of Fame
5.  hawks hand-signed merchandise supposedly personally signed by Trump for me
6 offers deals (6X match) for a limited time only 
7. calls me "friend" 
8. threatens to cut off communications if I don't respond now
9. demands supporters help him get the Nobel Peace Prize.

Behind the 8-ball, Trump's campaign has no shame.

Knowing demography as it does, did the DJT campaign commit Elder Financial Abuse by sending Florida's elders such emotional, manipulative messages? 

Does the DJT campaign's daily dose of threats, coercion and promises cross over a legal line? 

If Trump were hawking Trump University thataway, he'd be charged again in New York. (But not in Florida, where he purchased the affections of Flori-DUH's dupey former Attorney General, the estimable Pamela Jo Bondi, and her silence, insouciance and desuetude.  How?  With an illegal $25,000 campaign contribution from a putative non-profit group, that's how.

This just in: Trump is sending text messages, asking his supporters to campaign for him to get a Nobel Peace Prize. My telephone has been blowing up, barraged several times a day by tedious Trump campaign text messages since I requested got two tickets to Tulsa COVID-19 rally, the one that apparently killed Herman Cain. There have been an average of 2.75 money-grubbing text messages from Trump to my phone per day -- some 168 Trump fundraising appeals to my phone, June 16 to August 16, 2020. (That's not even counting pestilential e-mails from the snooty snollygoster.) Despite record tax cuts, Trump's campaign contributions from the donor class are reportedly way down from 2016. I wonder why? Could it be the constant grifting and lying?

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