Monday, August 19, 2024

Bad branding from former Madison Avenue advertising genius?

It is twee. To borrow a line from the late Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, I find Ann-Marie Evans to be appealing, but I find Ann Taylor to be appalling. Ponte Vedra resident NICOLE CRANBERG CROSBY's histrionic attack on St. Johns County Commissioner Henry Dean for supporting Gay Pride is beneath the dignity of a free people.  Is it to be the most bigoted local campaign ad of 2024?  What do you reckon?  Conflating two adult women candidates based upon their first names is just a bit weird.  Adolescent?  It was cute when freshman year friends would occasionally refer to my college roommate and I as "the Eds."  It's downright silly when a former Madison Avenue advertising maven, Doyle Dane Bernbach International Creative Vice President NICOLE CROSBY, foolishly dubs two adult Commission candidates as "the Anns."  Makes it sound like they're cult members. Weird. Twee.  

1 comment:

David said...

They're all in the religious fundamentalist cult or the conservative cult. By the way, conservative greed and grifting goes against the Bible. Jesus fed the 5,000, but these people only want to feed people willing to demonstrate their willingness to adopt some mind bending irrational ideology.