Thursday, August 29, 2024

Opinion Don’t yawn at Trump’s dishonorable use of Arlington National Cemetery. (Eugene Robinson, WaPo)

My father was nearly 32 years old on D-Day, having survived malaria.  He had three combat jumps, in North Africa, Sicily and Normandy. My dad's unit helped liberate the first French town from the Nazis on June 6, 1944, before the sun had risen.  The South Jersey Chapter of the 82nd ABN DIVN ASSN is named for my dad, the "CPL Edward A. Slavin Chapter."  No member of DJT's family ever served in the military. DJT claimed a draft exemption because of putative "bone spurs," based on an examination by a physician who rented his office space from DJT's father.  DJT is a disgrace who disdains veterans.  From The Washington Post: 

Opinion Don’t yawn at Trump’s dishonorable use of Arlington National Cemetery

The candidate who has repeatedly maligned our soldiers couldn’t resist an illegal publicity stunt.

Former president Donald Trump during a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery on Monday. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They were gonna put golf courses in the state parks and name them after Trump!