Three cheers!

City Press release
March and media conference set to
reaffirm opposition to seismic testing
Event scheduled for Saturday, March 7
Nearly a year ago, the St. Augustine City Commission adopted a resolution making known its opposition “to seismic testing in Atlantic Ocean waters until the complete evaluation of all testing options and the implementation of all proper assurances for protection of marine life.”
On Saturday, March 7, the city will reaffirm that opposition with a March for Ocean Justice to City Hall followed by a media conference where St. Augustine Mayor Nancy Shaver will be joined by representatives from other municipalities that have taken a similar stand.
The press conference will start at 12:30pm in front of City Hall, 75 King St. The March for Ocean Justice preceding the media conference and organized by the Environmental Youth Council (EYC), will commence at 11:30am on the east side of the Bridge of Lions and end at City Hall.
Mayor Shaver has invited the mayors of nearly 20 coastal cities in Florida and southeast Georgia to join her at the media conference to reaffirm their municipalities’ stance opposing seismic testing in waters off the coast of the two states as expressed in resolutions adopted by commissions.
Florida municipalities whose mayors were invited to participate represent Atlantic Beach, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Fernandina Beach, Indialantic, Indian Harbor Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Jacksonville, Melbourne Beach, Melbourne, Neptune Beach, New Smyrna Beach, Satellite Beach, St. Augustine Beach, St. Petersburg. Additionally, mayors from two cities in Georgia, St. Mary's and Tybee Island, have also been invited. Additionally, Katie Ross, NE Florida Aide for US Senator Bill Nelson will also attend to share a statement from the Senator.
Other organizations joining the EYC in the March for Ocean Justice are Friends of Matanzas, SALSA of St. Augustine, South Anastasia Community Association, Center for Biological Diversity, Florida Wildlife Federation, and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St. Augustine.
For more information regarding the media conference’s topic, contact Bill Hamilton at 904.808.0254 or via email at
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Text of the City of St. Augustine’s Resolution
No. 2014-12 adopted on April 14, 2014
A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine, Florida Opposing Seismic Air Gun Testing in The Atlantic Ocean
Whereas, the United States Department of the Interior has endorsed seismic testing in Atlantic Ocean waters, a first step toward allowing oil and gas drilling from Delaware Bay to Cape Canaveral; and
Whereas, the proposed seismic testing would use air guns firing intense blasts of compressed air over extended time periods and could prove harmful to or injure and kill marine mammals and fish; and
Whereas, the City of St. Augustine recognizes that tourism related to a healthy and vibrant coastal environment serves as a major economic force benefiting the residents, property owners and visitors of the City; and
Whereas, the City of St. Augustine understands that conclusions as to the full impact of the effects of seismic testing and the options for mitigation of these impacts require additional research;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Commission of the City of St. Augustine, Florida, as follows:
That the City of St. Augustine stands opposed to seismic testing in Atlantic Ocean waters until the complete evaluation of all testing options and the implementation of all proper assurances for protection of marine life.
for the record people have there own agenda , the president for Friends of Matanzas is the one who started all this crap because hes afraid his realastate business will decline and he is an idiot , The Eubalaena Oculina National Marine Sanctuary was turned down for the 2nd time , so it dont matter how far you march its all for nothing ,,, any one listed on the The Eubalaena Oculina National Marine Sanctuary proposal and this march will be a lot of resistance from me and aabout 40,000 other people that fish in the east coast water
You agree the answer to our problems and our prayers is the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, right?
What do you mean by that? Commercial fishermen say that the best fishing on the East Coast of Florida is offshore of the Canaveral National Seashore.
Oil, water and fish don't mix well.
While I do think that the Eubalaena Oculina National Marine Sanctuary proposal was possibly flawed, lacked public participation, and failed to protect our seashore, state parks, state forests and history adequately, it is worthy of refining.
We in Florida don't want and don't need offshore oil drilling, or refineries.
All fishermen are environmentalists.
Please call to discuss. 904-377-4998
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