Break in the weather was 'pert near Biblical -- for 90 minutes, the rain stopped.
Just long enough for our long-planned 5:30 demonstration, and long enough for every single Menéndez Noche de Gala $195 ticket buyer, freeloader attendee and historic re-enactor to see that our St. Augustine 2015 community will not rest or stop until there is Justice for Michelle O'Connell.
Thanks to the O'Connell family for their persistence.
Thanks to my Memphis State University (n/k/a University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law) friend, Anglican Father Nathan E. Brooks, for saying Mass yesterday in the Chattanooga Jail, asking the Almighty for a break in the weather.
Thanks to General George S. Patton for his December 23, 1944 Weather Prayer (written by a Roman Catholic Priest on the eve of the Battle of the Bulge).

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