Thanks to Derek Boyd Hankerson, ______________, ______________, _________________, ___________, _______________, B.J. Kalaidi, Michael Gold and a village full of informed and insightful and courageous other citizens engaging in protected activity about the 450th. We're going to learn the truth about government waste, fraud and abuse. Proud to live in St. Augustine, where in the words of James Madison, "The people [now] govern." See below.
Whistleblowing or Validationblowing?
You are not Whistleblowing when you focus your attention on contracts based in a fraud.
You are simply validating, legitimizing, and becoming complicit in the underlying fraud by giving the contracts based in that fraud your attention.
If you want to be a Whistleblower you have to blow the whistle on the underlying severely corrupted Jim Crow "bad" law social 'contracts' that created and maintain this 450th fiasco and gangster tourism in the first instance.
If you tune up a stolen rototiller that someone is using to unlawfully churn up another's property you have validated the theft and are complicit in their crime.
No kudos for youdos!
Ed, Please remove my name. I have done nothing to warrant this accolade. Many thanks.
Your comments in public fora like this one have administered spinal implants. Many thanks.
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