Sheriff's deputies patrolling our county beach code are looking to make money for the county, like Ferguson, Mo. with sand.
No beer or wine on the beach.
No fires.
No fun.
What is this, Florida or the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
Our County Beach Code is written by dull Republican Baptists who reject the First, Ninth and 21st Amendments.
Young crypto-Fascists with pith helmets and cardigan sweaters and funny haircuts, glaring at beachgoers.
The St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, like other national seashores, WILL allow beer and wine and permits fires on beaches.
You can look it up.
Tell county burghers their days of beach dictatorship must end.
And, Sheriff SHOAR told me the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore is a "no-brainer."

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