Thursday, March 19, 2015

Audit Rejecters Resemble Climate Change Deniers: GANG OF FOUR ON EDGE

St. Augustine's "Gang of Four" attempted March 9, 2015 to block Mayor Nancy Shaver's effort to initiate an audit and compliance review of City 450th commemoration contracts.
The item is back on the agenda for March 23, 2015.
Audit rejecters resemble climate change deniers.
Absurd, louche, gauche and rude -- rejecting facts, showing bias.
They must fulfill their Oath of Office and Fiduciary Duty.
Otherwise, let's show them the door in 2016.
Both Commissioner LEANNA FREEMAN's and ROXANNE HORVATH's terms expire then.
Pity the other-directed tools, including a lawyer, an architect, a C.P.A. and a planner.
Why would you oppose an audit unless you were a supporter of corruption?

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