Could the developers who love ugliness, kill trees, destroy 211-year old homes and otherwise show they hate St. Augustine GO AWAY.
Let's enact a federal law allowing them to build an offshore island, off the coast of Ponte Vedra, at their own expense.
Let's allow them to throw their weight around and tax themselves, in an independent special taxing district. As H.L. Mencken said, "some Americans have a positive libido for the ugly." Offshore island of snooty Temple Destroyers, I dub thee: ST. PHILISTINE."
We will nickname you, "ST. ELSEWHERE."
In Fiddler on the Roof, the residents of the Jewish stetl say: 'May the Lord bless and keep the tsar, FAR AWAY FROM US!!
What do you reckon?
Then when they pay their money for their infrastructure for their ugly-ass treeless classless island of desperadoes, with forgiveness, let those of us who love and live here in St. Augustine to our departing friends, "Get thee hence." And, like The Raven, we can say of all of the Temple Destroyers' works and pomps: NEVERMORE.

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