At the March 12, 2015 Planning and Zoning Board workshop meeting, PZB member Cathy Brown explained Planned Unit Developments (legalese for "spot zoning" for special interests) in six words -- "sneaky way of getting around zoning." Cathy Brown said without historic preservation, "you might as well live in Palm Coast."
PZB Chair Sue Agresta suggested procedural changes and more hearings and more answers before PUDs are considered: she distributed a spreadsheet she inexplicably did not share with residents present at the meeting.
Residents Fred Novak, Norma Novak, Michele Bova, Lee Geanuleas, Melinda Rakoncacy, Susan Rathbone, Alise Sanborn, and other citizens spoke in favor of a moratorium on PUDs.
PZB member Carl Blow suggested a moratorium on all rezonings. "I think we need to slow things down," Blow said, to give the public and City staff to consider rezonings, "especially large projects."
PZB member Deltra Long said she opposes spot zoning and is undecided on the moratorium, as was PZB member Matthew Shaffer.
No list of PUDs was provided by City of St. Augustine staff, despite my request some nine (9) days ago.
Wonder why? See below re: City staff foot dragging.
Fired former City Planning and Building Director MARK KNIGHT now advises developers as a planner for the McCLURE BLOODWORTH law firm.
Of course, ROGERS TOWERS corporate law firm partner Ellen Avery-Smith spoke in favor of PUDs. The late GEORGE MORRIS McCLURE's former associate likes things just the way they are, prattling on about "due process" and whining about actual notice to some close neighbors "actually" being required under current law. She was against showing traffic studies. She ran over her time without being gaveled, threatening lawsuits if "private property rights" were violated. Like ex-Mayor CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, JR. (destroyer of 62A Spanish Street, the Don Pedro Fornells House), she had a sense of entitlement.
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