PHIL McDANIEL should either resign as Chairman of the St. Johns Cultural Council, or else no government funds of any kind should ever be put in the hands of the Cultural council or anywhere near PHIL the SHILL's grubby little paws.
PHIL McDANIEL's a tinpot Napoleon, an insignificant little bully with no substance, a meddler and a self-aggrandizing narcissist. His November 30, 2008 column said it all (see below). He thinks political cartoons must be "accurate" and need to be "researched" up to his standards. What a shallow sophistc.
PHIL McDANEIL is guilty of using his uber-clout as a big frog in a small pond to get St. Augutine Wreckord cartoonist Ed Hall fired.
Now PHIL McDANIEL is refusing to face the consequences, refusing to answer questions and failing (with his cronies including the School Superintendnent) to do anything to help get Ed Hall's job back, PHIL McDANIEL has shown himself to be a weasel, a back-shooting coward, a reprobate who is unworthy of government funding or any position of trust.
No Cultural Council worthy of the name would tolerate for one minute a leader who is in favor of banning art --- not even in Wasilla, Alaska, home of Governor Palin (who toyed with book-banning but dropped the oyster and left the wharf). Here in St. Augustine and St. Johns County, we should be embarassed to have a reptile Republican reprobate like PHIL McDANIEL thinking he should be arbiter of all that's artistic, like some fascist Gauleiter who's gonna decide what artists get government approval.
By the way, I saw PHIL McDANIEL during arts walk earlier tonight -- he brushed past me, blushed red, would not shake my hand and refused to answer questions about getting Ed Hall fired. The last time I saw PHIL McDANIEL, McDANIEL resembled an obsequious ferret in heat, such a clod that when he shook the hand of Ken Bryan's brother, McDANIEL's elbow into another person's stomach (and McDANIEL didn't even apologize). Selfish, self-indulgent, self-absorbed, supercilious, simplistic PHIL McDANIEL's St. Augustine Wreckord column of November 30, 2008 got cartoonist Ed Hall fired. Until or unless McDANIEL deals with this bad karma, he is persona non grata among the artists and cultural communities which have made St. Augustine great.
Color PHIL McDANIEL colorless, the sort of dull status-seeking shell of a person Tom Wicker wrote about in his novel, "Facy the Lions," who doesn't realize that the ingrating ass-kisser demeans the ass kissed as much as he demeans himself.
PHIL McDANIEL, if you're not secure enough in your skin to speak to people who question your actions and disagree with you, you're unfit to hold public office, you should hold your head in shame, and the last thing we need is to have you as Cultural Council Czar (or Republican lord in charge of picking artists and entertainers in St. Augustine).
Only a screwed-up Scrooge like PHIL McDANIEL would be so full of himself as to refuse to urge the Wreckord to rehire cartoonist Ed Hall, whose art has graced the Wreckord for years, punching holes in pompous poohbahs (like former Mosquito Control Commissioners who voted to buy a luxury Bell Jet helicopter without commpetitive bidding).
Cartoonist Ed Hall's cartoons helped kill the Republicans no-bid helicopter deal.
Now other reactionary Republicans have apparently gotten Ed Hall fired by St. Augustine Wreckord Publisher Derek May, who refused to discuss the firing and said he would not be pressured by concerted protected activity under the First Amendment.
Sad to say, putative Democratic St. Augustine Mayor JOSEPH LEROY BOLES, JR. would like the ilk of McDANIEL decide who can paint and sell art on St. George Street and City parks. That's not unlike putting Dracula in charge of the Blood Bank. McDANIEL must have no further role in censoring, diminishing, undermmining the artistic and cultural lifeblood of our community.
Let PHIL McDANIEL leave our artists (like Ed Hall) alone and stop molesting the First Amendment for his own mendacious ego-trip. Let PHIL McDANIEL go back to advertising and sell little gimcracks for the counters of gasoline stations.
IF RICHARD NIXON were still alive, I'd quote John J. Hooker, Jr. and say that (like WILLIAM E. BROCK, III), he "should go out to San Clemente and sit at the feet of the master."
Stand up to bullies, cowards and bigots like PHIL McDANIEL. Don't send his Cultural Council one thin dime. Don't give to any groups that give money to his Culutural Council. Tell public officials what you think of politicians pressuring newspaper publishers (like Wreckord Publisher Derek May, a/k/a "Richie Rich") to get their way). Wreckord subscribers: When your current Wreckord subscription nears its end, call and tell them why you are considering not renewing it -- they censored a cartoonist, right? What have they done to investigate City Hall abuses of power? Call the Morris Communications HQ in Augusta, Georgia and ask to speak to Will Morris, IV -- leave messages with his able assistant. Don't take no for an answer (just like any good diplomat).
Ed Hall is worth having and any newspaper worth its salt would love to have him. (By the way, I bought three of Ed Hall's cartoons last month -- the two on mosquito control and the one that the Wreckord fired Ed Hall for -- perhaps it's time for an art exhibit at the Lightner Museum on "Banned and Protest Art."
Tell your friends about Ed Hall. Ask everyone you know on the Cultural Council about Ed Hall. There are several other local newspaper editors/publishers on the Board of the Cultural Council.
What do they think of McDANIEL's getting a cartoonist fired? Does McDANIEL suffer now from a lack of trust and confidence? Could it affect the future of the Cultural Council? You would think they'd want to give McDANIEL the heave-ho as a stench in the nostrils of St. Augustine.
In fact, due to McCDANIEL's dishonest November 30, 2008 St. Augustine Wreckord column, the government could bar all governemnt contracts to the St. Johns Cultural Council under government contracting law.
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