Friday, January 02, 2009

Still no word from City of St. Augustine on Alleged EPA Mistake -- Did City File Late? Will City Fax Return Receipt Cards?

When a City lies as often as the City of St. Augustine, you ask for the evidence.

Not one fax has been received from WILLIAM B. HARRISS' henchman/heyboy, JOHN REGAN, or Public Works DIrector MARTHA CAMPBELL.

EPA's information on the ECHO website showed our City was late with its July to September 2008 filings on pollution from the CIty's sewage plant.

HARRISS' cronies nad cofelons at and quickly called a fatwa on me -- claiming I did something wrong by writing and asking questions.

The nerve of these anonymice -- government officials (and their families and contractors) bleating anonymously about First Amendment Protected Activity.

I look forward to EPA investigating my latest National Response Center complaint against the City of St. Augustine. Of two prior complaints, both resulted in our City being fined. I defer to the public record -- our City is a polluter, found guilty, guilty, gullty -- twice in 2008.

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