Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ara Klidjian 2010 letter still true today: Spain trip shows government's arrogance

By Ara Klidjian
Editor: The City of St. Augustine is sending a delegation of eight people to Spain for nine days. As manager of international development for a Fortune 100 company, my trips overseas (including to Spain) for negotiating and consummating multi-million dollar acquisitions and joint ventures never included more than three travelers for a handful of days. To boot, these trips were in the days before instantaneous worldwide voice and video communications.

This is yet another demonstration of government's arrogance in spending taxpayer money, even in the worst of economic times. Kudos to Mayor Joe Boles for opting out of the trip. Most others in the delegation should do the same. The days of face-to-face meetings are long past. Be creative and use your laptops, Ipods and Skype instead of wasting our money.

Ara Klidjian

St. Augustine

1 comment:

Warren Celli said...

The link is to a polling and subscription required to read the content source that many people refuse to comply with. As a time saving service to your readers you should state that with the link.

I think the city should send a delegation to West Augustine to discuss expediting their sewer system installation.