Friday, October 14, 2016

Sophist JOE SAVIAK's online hate campaign against Mayor Nancy Shaver continues near midnight October 14, 2016

Professor JOSEPH SAVIAK, Associate Professor of Public Administration, Flagler College (HCN)

Misguided, threatening tortfeasing prevaricating extremist Flagler College Associate Professor of Public Administration JOSEPH SAVIAK, currently conducting an online smear campaign against Mayor Nancy Shaver, was fired by the Orange County Sheriff in 2001 for misusing office letterhead to threaten State Bar officials with "civil and criminal liability" when he flunked the Bar exam. Here he goes again, a nasty, nattering nabob of negativism:

No need to share this with anyone because we're not actually looking for her anymore...😊

Joe Saviak
2 hrs · Saint Augustine, FL ·
I am absolutely shocked and yet not shocked that I have to share this with you.
6 long days after the worst disaster to hit our city in 5 decades, the Mayor finally and briefly walked along our home street - Dolphin Drive - in Davis Shores yesterday afternoon.
Please bear in mind that federal, state, and local elected officials had already walked our street and neighborhood - she was the last elected official to do this when she should have been the first in a very hard hit neighborhood in a small town where Mayors have always reached out to residents. We watched her as she walked down the middle of the street never once actually going to the front doors of residents.
Carol and I greeted and welcomed her. We were polite, professional, and supportive. Based on having heard the concerns of residents for 6 days and drawing upon our extensive knowledge of local government and emergency management which I teach, we courteously made several valuable suggestions to her concerning specific needs and effective solutions to help our residents.
And here's what we got in return: the elected Mayor of our city - hired and paid to work for us as residents - chose to spend her time with us repeatedly telling us several audacious and easily disproved lies that she had walked our neighborhood several times.
Her total focus was on herself and avoiding any type of responsibility. She placed the entire blame for her failures on our county government who has actually done an excellent job. She had no information, no resources or recommendations, and offered us nothing. She was poorly informed and devoid of any compassion. She made no effort to comfort or console anyone in our neighborhood.
It was clear that her walk - 6 days after the hurricane hit our neighborhood - was merely a transparent attempt to be able to rewrite history and falsely claim in new press releases and during her campaign that she had "walked our neighborhood".
In what became the most bizarre moment of this interaction, she then closed the conversation by loudly and arrogantly proclaiming "I am still the Mayor!" to which I replied, "At least for the next 30 days."
She then said, "You know - this event has really revealed everyone's true colors hasn't it?". I then replied, "Of everything I have ever heard you say during this crisis, that one statement does ring absolutely true."
I never once imagined a local elected official would lie to and insult us to our faces while we stood in front of our destroyed home in the most terrible tragedy of our lives.
Yesterday, in retaliation, one of her closest advisers and biggest supporters called me and threatened my job at the college if I did not stop sharing the very well founded criticisms of the Mayor voiced by my neighborhood.
Today, he repeatedly emailed and called my employer falsely defaming me in a brazen, morally grotesque, and calculated attempt to cost me my job which of course failed. As his threats grew more intense, I finally had to call law enforcement to ask them to contact him and request that he not contact me again.
Evidently, her hurricane recovery plan is to do nothing but find a family who has lost everything, ignore them for 6 days, lie to and insult them, and then attempt to destroy them economically when they refuse to applaud her.
Two years ago, our citizens had some issues with our longtime Mayor. No one knew his challenger who was new to town. No one took time to research her or her background. To many, they simply saw a ballot which read "The incumbent" and "The person I don't know who is not the incumbent."
Our community made a grave mistake and we are paying a very serious price for it. We have suffered two years of dysfunction, perpetual conflict and controversy, and chronic public embarrassment. Never once did I comment about her until now - I now wish I had said something earlier when time and time again, I saw the obvious problems.
Now, the decision to give power and position to a stranger to our community who has proven that she lacks the character and competence to be allowed near any public office has only added pain and suffering to innocent citizens who rightfully expected their Mayor to at least make an attempt to help them.
I would call upon her to resign but an amoral egomaniac who craves position, power, and publicity will never voluntarily relinquish power even after completely squandering the public trust.
Right now, our total focus is on helping and loving the citizens of St. Augustine as we rebuild lives and restore our community. Our citizens must always come first.
I often teach my students that integrity is the first and foremost requirement of leadership. This lesson has never been more true as I have witnessed the very best in public service and have now seen our city victimized by the absolute worst.
I will close with the immortal eloquence of United States Army General Counsel Joseph Welch who upon being attacked by an unbelievably irresponsible public official utterly consumed with ego and ambition and misusing their office to stay on TV and simply hurt people for sport said,
"Until this moment, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?

1 comment:

Unknown said...