It happened during the depths of depravity of the Reagan-Bush Administration, during my judicial clerkship for U.S. Department of Labor Chief Administrative Law Judge Nahum Litt.
In 1987, my mother and I took a Tourmobile tour of DC and the driver pointed out the Watergate complex, but nothing about the Watergate burglary. Under President Reagan, Richard Milous Nixon's federal crimes at Watergate were not in the guide's "script."
At the offices of Tourmobile at Arlington National Cemetery, my mother and I questioned Tourmobile management, who said that Watergate was "controversial." No it isn't, I replied, "It's res judicata without possibility of appeal."
Under Reagan and two Bushes government contractors (like Tourmobile) were expected to lie for their country.
Some still do.
At age fifteen in 1973, I watched the Watergate hearings gavel to gavel from the History-English resource center at my high school, and from the faculty lounge at Camden County College Library.
The Watergae hearings helped save our country from evil energumen.
Thank God for courageous investigative reporters like Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward, Seymour M. Hersh, editors like Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, et al.. Thank God for FBI Associate Director Mark Felt, who was a secret source to Woodward, a/k/a "Deep Throat."
Thank God for Sam Ervin, Sam Dash, Peter Rodino, John Doar, Tip O'Neill and Fr. Robert Drinan, S.J., then a Congressman and later one of my mentors (he chaired the ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities).
We got our government back from Nixon and all the tawdry tatterdemalion Republican sociopaths -- the burglars and wiretappers and conspirators who had stolen it. Thank God for George McGovern (whom I met several times when he lived in St. Augustine Beach) -- he had the courage to call out Nixon for his crimes.
Jimmy Breslin documents it all in his book, "How the Good Guys Finally Won," documenting how "the night law school graduates are saving the country." Watergate was wrought by reparbative reprobate Richard Milhous Nixon and a wretched wrecking crew crooked Republican lawyers, and it was one wily "country lawyer" (Sam Ervin) and a cast of hundreds who found the truth. Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment and removal from office.
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