As current revenue from volleyball court and pavilion rentals doesn' t cover expenses, and to avoid having to use City savings to pay for on- going expenses as well as improvements, we suggest that you consider this option: As the civic (sic) Association is a major user of the park and the pavilion and has a track record of successful events, the City could contract with it to generate a steady income stream for the park' s upkeep and improvements by means of the weekly farmers' market and other events that the Association holds at the park. The Association and the City could negotiate fees that would cover on- going costs as well as provided money to be put in a fund for future improvements to the park.
What's going on here?
So I wrote ROYLE, et al.:
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: dfitzgerald
Cc: mroyle ; jpwilson ; comrobrien ; comugeorge ; commkostka ; commengland ; comsgsnodgrass ; sheldon.gardner ; braddatz ; thomasfreynolds
Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 11:22 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2017-317: Civic Association takeover of Pier Park? July 5, 2017 Commission agenda, item 6 "option," page 278 of agenda book
Dear Ms. Fitzgerald:
I just got Ms. Raddatz's auto response. It apparently misspelled your name.
I look forward to receiving the documents by close of business tomorrow.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin <>
To: dfitzerald <>
Cc: mroyle <>; jpwilson <>; comrobrien <>; comugeorge <>; commkostka <>; commengland <>; comsgsnodgrass <>; sheldon.gardner <>
Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 11:07 am
Subject: Fwd: Request No. 2017-317: Civic Association takeover of Pier Park? July 5, 2017 Commission agenda, item 6 "option," page 278 of agenda book
Dear Ms. Fitzgerald:
I just got Ms. Raddatz's auto response.
I look forward to receiving the documents by close of business tomorrow.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin <>
To: mwanchick <>; pmccormack <>; mroyle <>; braddatz <>; jpwilson <>; wsmith <>
Cc: commengland <>; comugeorge <>; commkostka <>; comsgsnodgrass <>; comrobrien <>; hardwickra <>; pmccormack <>; bcc5hdean <>; mwanchick <>; bcc3pwaldron <>; bcc1jjohns <>; bcc2jsmith <>; >
Sent: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 10:17 am
Subject: Request No. 2017-317: Civic Association takeover of Pier Park? July 5, 2017 Commission agenda, item 6 "option," page 278 of agenda book
Dear Messrs. Wilson, Royle, Smith, Wanchick & McCormack and Ms. Raddatz:
1. Who asked for this to be placed on the agenda? Please send me all documents relating to the origin, development and etiology of the item 6 "option" on the Wednesday, July 5, 2017 St. Augustine Beach City Commission meeting agenda recommending the City of St. Augustine Beach take over Pier Park from St. Johns County, particularly the "trial balloon" or "option" for the controversial St. Augustine Beach Civic Association, Inc. (a discriminatory, de facto 501c4 political action committee), to take over operation of St. Johns County Ocean and Fishing Pier Park, with City Manager Bruce Max Royle stating inter alia (at page 278 of 343 pages of meeting backup information book):
As current revenue from volleyball court and pavilion rentals doesn' t cover expenses, and to avoid having to use City savings to pay for on- going expenses as well as improvements, we (sic) suggest that you consider this option: As the civic (sic) Association is a major user of the park and the pavilion and has a track record of successful (sic) events, the City could contract with it to generate a steady income stream for the park' s upkeep and improvements by means of the weekly farmers' market and other events that the Association holds at the park. The Association and the City could negotiate fees that would cover on- going costs as well as provided (sic) money to be put in a fund for future improvements to the park.
2. Who is "we?" Please provide all documents on this odd "option." Please include all documentation of any focus groups, surveys, discussions, agreements, understandings, relationships, meetings, phone calls, e-mails or other dealings with ANDREA SAMUELS, ROBERT SAMUELS, WILLIAM JONES, MICHAEL WANCHICK, PATRICK McCORMACK, WILL SMITH, et al. on the noisome notion of allowing the ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. take over operation of our St. Johns County Ocean and Fishing Pier Park in St. Augustine Beach, Florida.
3. Please include any legal research or advice on no-bid contracts.
4. Please include any legal research or advice on the non-delegation doctrine.
5. Please include any legal research or advice on contract violations of public policy.
6. Please include any communications with City or County Commissioners or staff before Mr. Royle made this recommendation.
7. Please include any discussions or communications with anyone, anywhere, anytime, on the suggested "option" of allowing what James Madison would call a "faction" (Federalist Papers, No. 10) --- secretive, discriminatory, retaliatory, city-subsidized, no-bid-contracting, ADA-violating, free speech-violating SABCA -- to take over "operation" of our St. Johns County Pier Park. Did your option consider SABCA's history? A disabled veteran was assaulted by SABCA EVP ROBERT SAMUELS (you've seen the YouTube video). County Commissioners unanimously voted in 2016 to remove the First Amendment violating "Free Speech Zone" at Pier Park, which was inflicted at the behest of SABCA. SABCA violates ADA by obstructing disabled parking spaces. SABCA violates ADA rights by failing to provide ADA-accessible portable toile[t]s. This SABCA "faction" bitterly opposes progress, e.g., SABCA EVP ROBERT SAMUELS angrily attacked the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore proposal at the June 30, 2016 special Land Development Regulation meeting of the Commission, PZB and Tree Board, waving his arms and yelling at me (without "civility" being invoked) when he angrily opposed the Park and angrily said "we don't need" any recognition for 1964 civil rights wade-ins in a museum at the Pier. As I documented, public comment was denied for 200 minutes by Mayor RICHARD BURTT O'BRIEN. Then:
After 200 minutes, I spoke in support of LDR consideration for Pier Park and how to effect the current decrepit Pier's replacement. I was rudely interrupted by Commissioner Andrea Samuels talking to a PZB member. I then spoke in favor of the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore. Then I was insulted by Mr. Robert Samuels, spouse of Commissioner Andrea Samuels, complete with childish body language, stating that there would never be a National Park and Seashore and would never be a civil rights museum in honor of the 1964 civil rights "wade-ins" in St. Augustine Beach commenced by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and UN Ambassador Andrew Young at the then-segregated Pier Park.
8. Why does City Manager Max Royle want to place the angry, prejudiced Civic Association EVP in charge of a once-segregated park? Please provide documents on all discussions with SABCA and the SAMUELS on the Pier Park SABCA takeover "option." Who other than Mr. Royle and SABCA supported placing this idea on the agenda? How was it vetted before inflicting it on St. Augustine Beach Commissioners and citizens in the Wednesday July 5, 2017 meeting? Please send all documents.
9. Please provide all requested documents by close of business on Friday, June 30 (tomorrow), as St. Augustine Beach City Hall will be closed thereafter until July 5th in honor of Independence Day (when we honor the wisdom our Founding Fathers and our Declaration of Independence, eloquently severing ties with the British Empire in response to its "long train of abuses and usurpations," for 241 years giving hope to democrats everywhere who oppose, expose and defeat the bigots, tyrants and despots among us).
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
ROBERT SAMUELS yelling and gesturing at me during June 30, 2016 joint meeting on Land Development Regulations. After citizens (other than the SAMUELS' architect friend) were forced by Mayor RICHARD O'BRIEN (fourteen year incumbent Commissioner) to wait 200 minutes for public comment, and after I expressed support for the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore to members of the St. Augustine Beach City Commission, Planning and Zoning Board and Tree and Beautification Board, BOB SAMUELS yelled and gesticulated at me, his back to Board members, saying there would "never" be a St. Augustine National Park and Seashore and that "we don't need a civil rights museum" at the pier honoring the 1964 civil rights wade-ins.

Unlike the person referred to in the humorous sign, tortfeasor ROBERT SAMUELS, spouse of sadistic satrap two-term St. Augustine Beach Commissioner ANDREA SAMUELS, freely shares his insults without charge.
On August 5, 2013, ROBERT SAMUELS sashayed to the podium at City Commission and publicly said I "stink" and was an "outsider" when I opposed developer FARID ASHDJI's demand to reduce his contractual commitment to pay $560,000 for drainage in association with his new hotel. It reminded me of "Twelve Angry Men." But eventually, all five St. Augustine Beach Commissioners agreed with me. But to "FISH BOB" SAMUELS, exalted ruler and then-President (now VP) of the St. Augustine Beach Civic Association, a shadowy PAC, it was personal. Like he was "invested" in it, to use the most revealing line from St. Augustine City Commissioner LEANNA SOPHIA AMARU FREEMAN's re-election campaign.

It was wrong for Sheri
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