-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: mwanchick
Cc: pmccormack ; bcc5hdean ; bcc1jjohns ; bcc2jsmith ; bcc3pwaldron ; bccd4 ent: Thu, Jun 22, 2017 11:03 pm
Subject: St. Johns County refusal of public participation at 6/22 health insurance workshop meeting; refusal to televise it on GTV
Dear Mr. Wanchick:
1. You ignored my June 21, 2017 request to televise the June 22, 2017 health insurance workshop meeting on GTV (see below). Why did you refuse to televise the St. Johns County Board of County County Commissioners health insurance workshop meeting? The subject was projected huge increases in premiums for some 1800 employees and their families. No employee union representatives were present. I was the only person present who was not a St. Johns County Commissioner, constitutional officer or employee.
2. At the beginning of the workshop meeting, you spoke, rudely and crudely usurping the role of the Board of County Commissioners, issuing an unctuous unconstitutional ukase that banned "public participation" or "questions." You also bragged about your efforts to "stave off unionization" by using employee benefits as a bullet in your gun. You brandished anti-union animus and avoided being televised. Why don't you have the courage of your labor-baiting convictions to state them in the County Auditorium, on-camera, in the Sunshine, Mr. Wanchick?
3. Again I was the only non-employee at the meeting. While I appreciate the staff and consultant work, it was legally and morally wrong for you to silence me (with two armed Sheriff's deputies present. How gauche and louche of you to issue an illegal gag order to me, Mr. Wanchick.
4. Why did you refuse to let me ask questions? To whom did you think you were talking?
5. The health insurance workshop meeting was scheduled to run from 1:30 to 3:30, but adjourned at 2:39 pm.
6. I await answers about the seventy (70) former county employees who stayed on the County health insurance rolls after their employment ceased. The public was told at the June 20th SJCBCC meeting that this scandal would be discussed at the June 22, 2017 meeting. It wasn't. Why?
7. Florida law requires "public participation," including workshops -- why did you forbid it, thereby violating my First and Ninth Amendment right to ask questions? See May 17, 1987 Florida Attorney General opinion, here:
8. Please agree in writing to cease and desist from all First Amendment and Sunshine violations. Now.
9. Please call me to discuss your flagrant, flippant disrespect for our civil and constitutional rights under the First and Ninth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, our Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 24 and F.S. 286.
10. In the immortal words of the late William F. Buckley, Jr., "Why does baloney reject the grinder?"
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin <easlavin@aol.com>
To: pmccormack <pmccormack@sjcfl.us>; mwanchick <mwanchick@sjcfl.us>
Cc: bcc5hdean <bcc5hdean@sjcfl.us>; bcc1jjohns <bcc1jjohns@sjcfl.us>; bcc2jsmith <bcc2jsmith@sjcfl.us>; bcc3pwaldron <bcc3pwaldron@sjcfl.us>; bccd4 <bccd4@sjcfl.us>; mlundquist <mlundquist@sjcfl.us>; dlange <dlange@sjcfl.us>; tfilloramo <tfilloramo@sjcfl.us>
Sent: Wed, Jun 21, 2017 4:38 pm
Subject: Please televise the 6/22 health insurance meeting on GTV
Dear Messrs. McCormack and Wanchick:
Please televise the 6/22 health insurance meeting on GTV.
No more secrecy and government hiding in conference rooms.
The people have a Right to Know.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin

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