St. Augustine Record scooped again. I reported this story, and more thoroughly, last week, on Saturday November 25, 2017. People know this blog is looking out for their interests (and I'm not waiting for handouts from Bruce Max Royle).
Posted November 28, 2017 12:02 am
14 apply for St. Augustine Beach Commission slot
Fourteen people are vying to fill a seat on the St. Augustine Beach city commission that opened when Gary Snodgrass resigned on Nov. 6, citing a workload that he could no longer handle.
Whoever gets the spot will be able to serve the rest of his term, which will expire Dec. 31, 2018.
Candidates include a former commissioner and current members of the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board.
The deadline to apply for the post was Nov. 22, and commissioners will interview candidates on Dec. 4 and could fill the seat at that meeting, City Manager Max Royle said.
“It may take the entire meeting to interview the candidates,” Royle said, adding that other meeting items can be continued if needed.
City Charter calls for commissioners to choose a replacement by Jan. 5 or have a special election, Royle said.
If needed, a special primary election is estimated to cost $16,190, according to Supervisor of Elections Vicky Oakes. A special general election is estimated to cost $16,390. Early voting, which is optional, would cost $1,000 per day, per election.
To be considered, candidates have to participate in the Dec. 4 interview and also must be registered voters of St. Augustine Beach who have been residents since Nov. 1, 2016, according to the city.
The following is a summary of candidates, based on their letters of interest and resumes provided to the city:
• Rose Bailey was a vice president and regional loan manager over three states for PNC Bank. After retiring, she worked as a mortgage broker and processor.
• David Bradfield’s background includes real estate and development, and he has served on the planning and zoning board. Jane West, the board’s chair, submitted a letter of interest on behalf of Bradfield. (According to Royle, commissioners can decide whether her letter was OK in place of a letter from Bradfield.)
• Patricia Gill, a city resident for more than 20 years, has served on the beach planning and code enforcement boards. She’s also worked in higher education, holding both teaching and administrative positions.
• Jeffrey Holleran, a beach planning board member, has created and led several local businesses.
• James Kaye has about 40 years’ experience as a family physician and was the medical examiner of Ocean County, New Jersey. He’s lived in St. Augustine Beach for nine years.
• Kevin Kincaid, who came to St. Augustine Beach after retirement, worked from 1979 until his retirement in 2008 for the fire department in Fairfax County, Virginia, in both firefighting and administrative positions. He also has experience as a medical escort.
• Patricia Wittman Kreis has lived in the city since 2012. She works for Dell Technologies and has worked in technology for more than 30 years.
• Michael Longstreet, a former beach commissioner, has lived in the city for 23 years. He has also served on the city’s beautification advisory committee.
• Roberta Odom, a realtor, serves on St. Augustine Beach’s planning board.
• Tom Reynolds, a stay-at-home dad of two sons, bills himself in his letter as a “government watcher.” His most recent employment includes commercial pickup and delivery driver, though he’s had experience in other industries.
• Dylan Rumrell is the owner of two businesses, Ancient City Brewing and Southern Cross Consulting Company.
• Donald Samora, a beach resident since 2010, is a business owner.
• Ernesto Torres, who has served in the military for about 30 years, is on the city’s Code Enforcement Board.
• Kay Watkins is a U.S. Navy veteran and former hospital laboratory scientist. She retired in 2016 from the Naval Hospital Jacksonville as an off-shift supervisor.

1. Fourteen applicants. One in every 398 registered voters. People know SAB's government is dysfunctional. They want reform. Now.
2. SAB Commissioners need to require financial disclosures and background investigations.
3. One candidate, David Bradfield, apparently took a vacation in Costa Rica, hired a lawyer and had her file a firm resume for Design Build Logistics, LLC, a company that lost its Florida corporate charter in 2010 for failure to provide renewal paperwork.
4. Neither David Bradfield nor his lawyer, Jane West, complied with the City's posted requirement that candidates provide a letter of interest, explaining their interest in the job.
5. Bradfield is former SAB PZB Vice Chair. His lawyer is SAB PZB Chair Jane West. Their inattention to detail and failure to follow instructions is disqualifying.
Thanks for doing all this background work Ed. It helps people like me get a better understanding of what’s going on so we don’t take it at face value. Who would you consider to be the top runner? I just hope they can decide without having to spend $16,000 if the cities money.
Slate Creek Thank you. I don't know if there is a top runner at this point. There are several well-qualified ethical candidates uncontaminated by distractions or conflicts of interest. In particular, I like Tom Reynolds and Rosetta Bailey.
Mr. Bradfield's background is "real estate and development", guess where his priorities will be focused.
Mr. Reynolds is, as many know, very outspoken. Nothing wrong with that. Shake it up.
No more Political Puppets !
We need a Watchdog
Only one person, has attended All meetings with
Investigative information on Agenda items.
Balance on the Board

The cost of a special election $16K
The VALUE of a special election to uphold the democratic process PRICELESS.
The voters should decide.
Rather than developers and their cat's paws? What a novel approach in St. Augustine Beach. Who do you support?
Edward Adelbert Slavin who I support SHOULD be my right to express at the polls. It should NOT be determined by 3 people who may or may not have been heavily influenced to choose one person or another.
Nor should it be the result of a hoot and hiss performance at a commission meeting.
Public officials are elected By the People for a reason.
I can’t imagine why you would be against that.

Rachael Bennett
1. "Against that?" You're driving under the inference.
2. "Three people?" You can't count. There are four remaining Commissioners, not three.
3. A primary and special election would elect someone to serve from April until December, 2018 -- eight months.
4. Who has interest or money to run in an expensive special election for a local office to serve eight (8) months?
5. You and your developer buddies who want to monkey with LDRs?
6. As County Commissioner, you anonymously posted pejoratives and cheap shots on the St. Augustine Record website as "The Muse" and you were reported to Ethics Commission by Tom Reynolds.
7. You communicated your posts to County Administrator.
8. You lobbied against Open Records requests.
9. You loathe protected activity.
10. You cried when your sales tax scheme was defeated, insulting your colleagues and the public's intelligence.
11. Your expensive election and "service," as a developer puppet, polluted the temple of our democracy in St. Johns County.
12. So you now claim to "uphold the democratic process?"
13. Glad to hear you have turned over a new leaf and want to make up for your past transgressions with a late-life conversion and a new mission, to wit, to promote the "democratic process."
14. The church always welcomes sinners.
15. By the way, do you support lobbyist registration?
16. Are you now or have you ever been a lobbyist?
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