Will St. Johns County Commissioners fire County Attorney PATRICK FRANCIS McCORMACK?
1. Covering up the Michelle O'Connell case by failing to produce water use records for the murder house that would disprove JEREMY BANKS claims about not having a shower the night tht his girlfriend was shot to death with his service weapon in his home.
2. Covering up the Michelle O'Connell case by abusing County resources to direct Assistant County Attorney to provide free legal services to defend malfeasant medical examiners Dr. PREDRAG BULIC, M.D. and Dr. FREDERICK HOBIN, M.D.
3. Covering up sexism, misogyny, fat-shaming and harassment of women employees by County Administrator MICHAEL DAVID WANCHICK by hiring Orlando law firm to do an incurious report, falsely claimed to be "independent," failing to comply with the standard care under federal civil rights law.
4. Failing to perform background investigation of ARDURRA GROUP, LLC. before signing a contract with unethical, inexperienced Louisiana-based company that charged $1.4 million without obtaining a single dollar of FEMA reimbursements.
5. Conflict of interest in obstructing Open Records requests and in providing free legal services to the St. Johns County Visitor and Convention Bureau, Inc., a government contractor, including alleged verbal advice that VCB cited to justify Sunshine and Open Records violations.
6. Rubber-stamping the $24 million "developer debt forgiveness program."
7. Demanding money for Open Records requests without legal basis.
8. Failing to advise Commissioners of the legal requirement that citizens have a right to speak before all voting items.
9. Writing illegal rules for St. Johns Commission meetings for the purpose of chilling First Amendment protected activity, including a requirement that no one ask questions demanding an answer.
10. Covering up the illegal abuse of Amphitheater space for fee-gouging ATMs without any lease or contract, charging concertgoers and Farmer's Market customers ten thousands of dollars in illegal fees, in violation of federal banking laws, then breaking his word and showing his ineptitude and inability to negotiate no-fee ATMs with Bank of America, despite the County having $600,000,000 in annual deposits with BoA. http://cleanupcityofstaugustine.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/still-waiting-ii.html
(work in progress, to be continued).
Naturally, being Flori-DUH, our snooty, ethically impaired St. Johns County Attorney PATRICK McCORMACK's sloth is rewarded with slobbering praise and undeserved contract renewals, most recently with presidency of the Florida Association of County Attorneys:

The Florida Association of County Attorneys, Inc. (FACA) is a Florida nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to provide a forum for research, advice and discussion in the development of local government law, including technical assistance.
In 2013, the Board of Directors adopted an ongoing strategic plan which can be viewed by clicking here.
The officers of the Florida Association of County Attorneys are elected annually by the Board of Directors. The officers also sit on the Board, as voting members. Eligible candidates are current FACA members, serving as the county attorney for one of Florida’s counties.

St. Johns County Attorney
500 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084
904-209-0805 (tel)
1 comment:
The pillars of the community are the killers of the community,
They control the illusion in your mind,
They are the bad guys posing as good guys,
In truth they're the scum of humankind...
In a just and fair world the self serving Florida Association of County Attorneys would be on top of the list of the most dangerous gangs in America!
The Michelle O'Connell case has become emblematic of the scam 'rule of law' they practice here in Florida.
Add, arrogantly 'looking the other way' and gross 'lies of Omission' as blanket reasons for your dismissal list.
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