Last night, in Canada's national elections, the climate change-denying party was defeated.
Read more here.
Some local officials understand science, including St. Augustine City Commission John Otha Valdes, long a proponent on regulating permeable surfaces, and St. Johns County Commissioner Henry Dean, who likes the proposed St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, which would protect forever inviolate some of the land that he and the late John Henry Hankinson, Jr. acquired for the State of Florida and our St. Johns River Water Management District.
Bit too many of our local elected officials are in denial. Most
are dull Republicans, members of a plutocratic political party that denies ocean level rise and global warming exist.
The reptilian retromingent rep"Gang of Four" on the St. Augustine City Commission, misled by current Vice Mayor LEANNAN SOPHIA AMARUN FREEMAN and former Vice Mayor TODD DAVID NEVILLE, a/k/a "ODD TODD," was painfully pig-ignorant -- heckling, obstructing and blocking Mayor Nancy Shaver's reforms, even objecting to her taking a bathroom break earlier this year, and blocking efforts to adjourn a meeting at midnight when DAVID BARTON CORNEAL's privatization of the Dow Museum of Historic Homes was approved, Mayor Shaver dissenting.
The Gang of Four almost killed her with a stroke. She's now blind in one eye.
But it's great to see Mayor Tracy Upchurch in Washington, D.C., showing good leadership as a just steward of Our Nation's Oldest City's future, observing the seven generation test.
From Historic City News:
Shaver led the way in addressing sea level rise – Upchurch follows

Nineteen mayors from across Florida are in the nation’s capital for a summit that focuses on sea-level rise. Coastal St Johns County is now on the front lines of the rising sea level problem. Even on a rainy day like Monday, it’s not hard to find flooding in St. Augustine.
Mayor Tracy Upchurch and former Mayor Nancy Shaver are in the nation’s capital this week attending the American Flood Coalition’s first Florida Mayors Summit.
Shaver was the first mayor in Northeast Florida to take a lead role in addressing sea level rise, for her it’s not about politics it’s about making sure the nation’s oldest city is around for future generations.

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