From the October 10, 2019 St. Augustine Record, here's a cold, dark, ugly, stark and raw column by TRUMP CLUB President DIANE HAGAN SCHERFF.
This is not the first time that Ponte Vedra resident DIANE HAGAN SCHERFF has spewed her harridan hatred.
Here's an egregiously extremist emotional emetic example for your edification, at Thanksgiving 2017 here.
Today's column shows ignorance of foreign policy, gullibility, imbecility, cult-like worship of DONALD JOHN TRUMP, flummery, dupery, nincompoopery and deep insensitivity to a growing human rights crisis in Kurdish areas of Syria.
Turkey is murdering our loyal Kurdish allies against ISIS. More Turkish genocide, as against Armenians a century ago? You tell me.
The local TRUMP CLUB in St. Johns County evidently endorses, sub silentio, Turkish war crimes empowered by President DONALD JOHN TRUMP's withdrawing U.S. troops.
Herr TRUMP withdrew troops, after a conversation with Turkish dictator Erdogan.
TRUMP did so without so much as consulting with our American Generals and foreign policy experts, catching even the Acting White House Chief of Staff by surprise.
TRUMP's first National Security Advisor, MICHAEL FLYNN, took money from Turkey, secretly, and is now a convicted felon.
From The St. Augustine Record
Letter to the Editor | Trump puts people over politics
Posted Oct 9, 2019 at 4:26 PM
Trump puts people over politics
St Augustine Record
Printed October 10, 2019:
EDITOR: After some thought and research on the subject, I applaud President Trump for removing our remaining troops in Syria and, quite honestly, am disgusted at how so many in D.C. and the media have transformed this into a major crisis. Since when did the Dems and media darlings want war, much less continued intervention in other countries? Yes, we did fight beside the Kurds and helped them as much as possible — but for how long? And since when did the Dems care so much about the Kurds more so than securing our border, stopping the drugs from Mexico, etc.
The reason we were there in the first place no longer exists; ISIS has been removed from the cities there and it doesn’t appear likely that we will try to remove the Assad Regime. Instead, we continue to lose our soldiers who are still stationed there.
President Trump is exactly right to bring them home and let the Middle East figure it out. Yes, Turkey will invade Syria and the Kurds will return to the hills and possibly some of the ISIS captives will go free in the process, but it’s time to let them fight it out and leave the Americans out of it for now. Who would have thought that a U.S. President would ever put his people before politics!
Diane Scherff, St. Augustine (sic)
Scherff is President of the Trump Club of St. Johns County and chairs the local Trump campaign
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