Monday, April 27, 2020

Rep. JOHN RUTHERFORD Invites St. Augustine Commission Sunshine Violation

This morning, at a video conference City Commission meeting, U.S. Rep. John Rutherford (R-Jacksonville), asked Commissioners a question about reopening the City, before the meeting started. City Attorney ISABELLE CHRISTINE LOPEZ firmly shushed Rutherford. Rightly so. The incompetent ninny then said, "I forgot," proceeding to cast aspersions (or asparagus) at Florida's Sunshine law, saying it did not apply to Congress.

Three cheers for St. Augustine City Attorney ISABELLE CHRISTINE LOPEZ, who raised a red flag and stopped an attempted Sunshine violation in its tracks, foiling Rep. RUTHERFORD. "Like a rotten mackerel by moonlight," Ms. Lopez "both shines and stinks." (H/t to John Randolph of Roanoke.)

She shined today.

Proud of her.

Embarrassed by Rep. RUTHERFORD.

This incompetent ninny misrepresents us in Congress, supporting DONALD JOHN TRUMP. As Duval County Sheriff, and as Congressman, Rutherford has often sworn an oath to support, protect and defend our Constitution and laws. But on this occasion, Rutherford broke the law and mocked it.

That's one of the many reasons why I am voting for Donna Deegan for Congress -- when she takes an oath, she means it.

At top of photo: SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR, who legally changed his name from "HOAR" in 1994; HUNTER CONRAD, St. Johns County Administrator, then a candidate for Clerk of Courts; Rep. JOHN RUTHERFORD.

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