Thursday, October 19, 2023

Report: 'No coincidence' between presence of extremist groups in Florida and hardline legislation. (Palm Beach Post)

It takes a village -- and federal courts -- to bring the Rule of Law to a place long bossed and bullied by rough beastly segregationists, Gay-bashers and bigshot crooks.

St. Augustine City Commissioners in 2005 refused to allow Rainbow flags to fly on our Bridge of Lions and Bayfront in honor of Gay Pride, while allowing every other organization the same courtesy, including the Broward Yacht Company and fully 59 days of flag-flying for Flagler College. 

Here in St. Johns County, not one official and not one County Commissioner has responded to the local House of Prism group's request for a 2023 Pride Proclamation.   No class.. And no one said a word in response when I wore a big 'ole Rainbow flag tie, wished them "Happy Pride month," and invited them to find it within their hearts to approve a Pride Proclamation, which was previously blocked by then-Commissioner JEREMIAH BLOCKER, who was defeated by Krista Keating-Joseph by 175 votes in closed Republican Primary. 

Friday night, local Republicans joined with MOMS FOR LIBERTY in a Republican fundraiser.

Rebarbative retromingent Republican reprobates like several of our County Commissioners, are extremists who only care about collecting campaign contributions from developers and blocking any reforms.

From Palm Beach Post:

Report: 'No coincidence' between presence of extremist groups in Florida and hardline legislation

A prominent watchdog group connects the dots between Florida as home to Jan. 6 rioters, laws targeting LGBTQ+ residents and constraints on academic freedom — the political tilt toward the hard right.

Antonio Fins
Palm Beach Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The GOP suffers in national elections because they won't clean their own house so to speak. That or they perceive certain people to be an asset when in reality they are not.