Saturday, November 11, 2023

ANNALS OF DeSANTISTAN: Read DeSANTiS's Ugly Veterans Day Rant Against Democrats -- Unpatriotic?

Once again, our former St. Johns County Congressman, our current bumptious bigoted Boy Governor, RONALD DION DeSANTIS was a Navy lawyer, not a Navy Seal.  He uses Veterans Day as a low-blow cudgel to bludgeon our Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden. I consider DeSANTIS and his ugly  pandering to be a rank obscenity, an insult to my dad and other WWII veterans. My dad was a proud Democrat, but never demonized people who disagreed with him. Here is DeSANTIS's latest ranting cant e-mail.: 

Sat, Nov 11 at 11:05 AM


Edzilla said...

He used Veterans Day to grope for money and insult the Commander and Chief. Not to mention, he supported Orange Hitler and never condemned his abominable crime spree appropriately. Trump lied and Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt died. She was misled by Orange Hitler and died in an attack on democracy. That's not very patriotic.

Anonymous said...

He has some red and blue tape or paint on his rifle barrel. I've never seen that before. That rifle didn't get much use for sure. That paint would catch fire and cause vision problems. Also no kevlar cover. Nobody squared that guy away...