Enough Unexamined St. Johns County government subsidies to corporate groups like the local Chamber of Commerce. As the wonderfully-wise then-freshman U.S. Senator Gary Warren Hart (D-Colo.), wrote his new staff in 1975, ask of every legislative proposal, "Is it based on need, or greed?") From GANNETT/St. Augustine Record.)
The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce establishes a foundation for workforce development and education
The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce creates the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a nonprofit organization designed to serve the community

The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce establishes a foundation for workforce development and education

The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce announces its St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a nonprofit organization designed to serve the community through leadership opportunities, workforce education and economic development programs.
According to a recent press release, the chamber established the foundation to expand its programming and culture of philanthropy beyond the business community. Areas of focus include a permanent scholarship fund for Leadership St. Johns, a professional leadership development program that has fostered the growth of business and government employees for over 20 years.
The foundation also will offer disaster relief for businesses recovering from natural disasters or economic downturns and support workforce development by partnering with local educational institutions, thus addressing the need for a highly skilled workforce.
“The St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce Foundation is a natural extension of the chamber’s work to promote a vibrant, diverse business environment in St. Johns County,” said Isabelle Renault, chamber president and CEO. “The foundation opens new avenues for programs and philanthropic work to make a difference in the community at large as we work to strengthen our business community.”
Board Chair Cecil Gibson described the foundation as a great benefit to the community.
“By offering education and leadership development, along with the relief fund, the foundation’s work will create opportunities for both individuals and businesses to thrive in St. Johns County,” he said in a press release.
According to Renault, the idea for the foundation resulted from the economic challenges caused by COVID-19.
"While the chamber was prepared to respond to the needs of local businesses, we were limited by the chamber’s status as a 501(c)(6) nonprofit," she said. "Many grants were designed for 501(c)(3) organizations."
Renault underscored the importance of supporting the needs of a growing community.
"As a 501(c)(3,) the foundation gives the chamber access to more resources to help businesses thrive in St. Johns County,” she said. “Workforce development is a cornerstone of the chamber and the foundation. The foundation allows us to fundraise for scholarships to make Leadership St. Johns possible for emerging leaders in businesses that might not otherwise be able to afford putting an employee through the program.”
The foundation board of directors includes Chair Cecil Gibson (Ameris Bank), Vice Chair Orville Dothage (Northrop Grumman), Secretary/Treasurer Erika Alba (Woolsey/Morcom), Nancy Dering Mock (Nancy Dering Mock Consulting), and Renault.
The chamber is hosting a kickoff fundraiser on April 25 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s bestbet, 800 Marketplace Drive. Click here for more information.
"Workforce education:" "If you don't go to college and do 8 years, you're not gonna be able to afford to live. Workforce education complete. Now get out town, go to college, and come back after you make money somewhere else." - SJC CoC
Workforce education in SJC consists of flip houses, flip bedpans, or flip burgers. Good luck doing anything else without a couple degrees. I hope they throw that in there.
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