Friday, September 05, 2008

Birds of A Feather -- Representative JOHN (Butthead) MICA and St. Augustine City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS

Our City of St. Augustine is still wasting scandalous sums of money, while polluting our environment. Last night's City Commission meeting was a farce I did not attend. Last year, I asked 140 questions (plus subparts) on the budget, affording the City weeks to answer them. The answers never came. Our City lavishes $50 million on 350 Full Time Equivalent employees for a city of only 13,000. Meanwhile, our City is a serial, recidivist polluter, dumping solid waste in the Old City Reservoir, E coli into the marshes and rivers, and mindlessly refusing to answer public questions.

City Manager For Life WILLIAM B. HARRISS has never even received a performance appraisal since his illegal coronation on April 13, 1998, unadorned by Sunshine notice or public comment. HARRISS hates America, hates free speech, and fancies himself the Republican Caudillo of all that he surveys, harassing artists, entertainers, vendors, students, Gays, Lesbians and homeless people, running St. Augustine as if it were a poilce state, even carrying weapons and listening to police calls. He's ruined our town and destroyed the busker ambience of St. George Street, thereby ruining the tourist business that depended on tourists watching the artists and entertainers on St. George Street.

Our Seventh District Congressman JOHN (The Butthead) MICA just butted his head into a camera, refusing to answer ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross' questions about attending Tom Delay's reception at the Republican National Convention. In WILLIAM B. HARRISS, JOHN MICA has a kindred spirit, a possible friend/fiend, someone who actually shares his emetic values.

Is there nothing that MICA and HARRISS will not do? See below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ed, I would respectfully request from you and your blog, a link on the John Mica head-butt story, to:

Thank you,

John J. Tormey III, Esq.
Quiet Rockland