Wednesday, September 17, 2008



In order to restore the public's faith in the electoral process and demonstrate the high quality of the Republican Party and its principles and ideals, this Code of Conduct is put forth for all candidates seeking the Republican nomination for elective office in Florida on a federal, state and local basis for the 2000 elections.
I, as a Republican candidate, will personally take responsibility for all campaign advertisements and communications in print, on television, radio or through any other medium.
I will neither use nor allow any solicitations or appeals to bigotry based on race, ethnicity, sex, religion or national origin.
I will limit any charges against my opponent(s) to legitimate differences regarding opinion, record qualifications, experience, conduct and past positions held.
I will at all times tell the truth, with complete documentation from legitimate, verifiable sources for any charges against my opponent(s).
I will not use nor condone any misrepresentations, distortions, malicious untruths, half-truths or innuendoes about my opponent(s) and/or my opponent's families.
I will not condone a third party leveling unfounded or misleading charges against my opponents(s). I will do everything possible to ensure that those supporting my candidacy adhere to the principles outlined in this Code of Conduct, and will repudiate any third-party attack leveled against my opponent(s) that is in conflict with the Code.
I will neither use nor condone any last-minute attacks or charges that cannot be answered by my opponent(s) in time for the election.
I will at all times adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the Republican Party Code of Conduct. I recognize that duty to my country, my state, my county and to the ideals and principles of the Republican Party outweigh any personal ambition for public office.
If I am not eventually successful in my candidacy for the nomination of the Republican Party, I will not actively, publicly or financially do anything that in any way will jeopardize the candidacy of the Republican nominee.

I,_________________________, as a candidate for _________________________, do hereby accept the Florida Republican Code of Conduct and agree to adhere to its principles and conduct my campaign accordingly.
Republican Party Chairman

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