The injunction goes to court on November 9, 2016 O'BRIEN's seek it was retaliation for Mr. Reynolds' reporting O'BRIEN's illegal water pollution. O'BRIEN, endorsed by local Democrats, is distributing campaign literature identifying himself as a Republican, even though the local Republicans have endorsed challenger Rosetta Bailey.
Hint to both parties: it is unseemly and a bit dotty to endorse candidates in non-partisan races. Do you think that endorsements of mosquito control and city commission races have any relation to politics. There is no Republican or Democratic way to kill skeeters or fill potholes. Your pollution of these races is almost as unseemly as LYIN' O'BRIEN, the Democratic-Republican- candidate for St. Augustine Beach Commission, desperately trying to hold on to power after fourteen (14) years in office.
Seeker of special privileges for himself and his motel, O'BRIEN'S post-Matthew water pollution is the last straw.
Like a raccoon caught in a garbage can, RICHARD BURTT O'BRIEN looks guilty, guilty, guilty to me.

Posted November 1, 2016 12:02 am - Updated November 1, 2016 06:53 am
‘CHOICE’ OF WORDS: Officials at odds over beach candidate’s fliers

St. Augustine Beach Mayor Rich O’Brien refers to himself as the “Republican’s Choice.”
The Republican Party of St. Johns County disagrees.
In a letter dated Oct. 31 on Republican Party of St. Johns County letterhead, party Chairman Bill Korach called on O’Brien to stop using the slogan on any of his campaign literature.
“It says Republican’s Choice, so that could mean Republicans he’s friendly with,” Korach said. “But I take it to mean the Republican Party has endorsed him, and in fact he’s been endorsed by the Democratic Party.”
The Democratic Party has O’Brien listed as a general election recommendation.
Korach’s letter says O’Brien’s campaign slogan is “false and misleading” since the Republican Party of St. Johns County has endorsed O’Brien’s opponent for Seat 2, Rosetta Bailey.

“It has come to my attention that [fliers] you have handed out and distributed may be in violation of [Federal Election Commission] law according to our attorney,” according to Korach’s letter. Korach said his attorney is researching the matter.
Korach said Bailey represents the Republican party’s platform and officials know her, and he’s never seen O’Brien at the local party’s functions. He also said O’Brien has distributed literature with the slogan via mail and by hand.
O’Brien said he’s handed out several fliers with the slogan on it, but he hasn’t claimed to be endorsed by the Republican Party, he said.
“I am Republican, and I am one of the choices,” O’Brien said, adding that he has a right to use the phrase. “End of story.”
He also said he’s “thrilled” for the support from the Democratic party, but he’s a registered Republican. He also said he was puzzled about the local GOP endorsement of Bailey since the Republican Party of St. Johns County hasn’t asked him any questions related to the election.
“They never invited me to a forum,” O’Brien said. “There was no vetting of me before they made their decision.”
O’Brien said an attorney has told him nothing is wrong with the campaign slogan. He also said the matter is about his own free speech rights.
“I believe in free speech, and I expect to have the same right,” O’Brien said.

Richard O'Brien believes in free speech ? Oh really ! Richard O'Brien has a very serious problem with truth and facts. I know that first hand and I am a victim of being denied my First Amendment Rights and very serious false accusation by Richard O'Brien . St Johns County Republicans are known for First Amended Rights and truth. But we do have RINO s in the Party as well as Untruth tellers. This is a case of a SJC RINO with a truth telling problem and Hilary Clinton Morales. Just as their is a Clinton Cartel Machine that produces Untruths faster than A bullet train, there is an O'Brien Pump. This O'Brien pump is pumping out dangerous untruths all over this Beautiful Beach City in this election. Let us all use our Christian values and Pray for him rather than be mad at him. That is the way of the Father Almighty Teachings. Let us all wait and see if the proper Authorities of this election fraud step in and do their job. Or will this just be another sweeping under the Carpet of Corruption that seems to be going on at all levels of Government in AMERICA these days !