JFK once said 90% of the newspaper reporters are Democrats and 90% of the newspaper publishers are Republican.
But this year, only a tiny fraction of the newspapers in America have endorsed that nasty nattering nabob of nativism and negativism, that fey, furious, fulminating, lying, nativist, racist, sexist, misogynist, self-confessed rapist p***y-grabber tit-grabber, tax-avoiding, worker-cheating, subcontractor-cheating, union-busting evidence-destroying, warmongering, dodgy developer, doofus DONALD J. TRUMP for President of the United States.
Among that tiny basket of deplorable excuses for "news" outlets is the delusional, dupey, dodgy, developer-driven, privately owned St. Augustine Record, natch. Reliably, rebarbative, retromignent Republicans, dull Republicans, as mismanaged a newspaper chain as ever existed. It joins corrupt Sheldon Adelson's Las Vegas Newspapers, The National Enquirer and other hick hack papers.
It endorsed DONALD TRUMP.
Lock up your daughters.
Read the illogical blather from MORRIS COMMUNICATIONS' ill-informed "useful idiots" serving the SOB billionaire TRUMP.
Laugh at them.
Anyone surprised?
The only newspaper in the Western world that did not have a front page article on President Obama's election -- the newspaper that refused to cover the September 2, 2010 shooting of Michelle O'Connell, leaving it to snipe at The New York Times for doing so -- the paper made infamous on Jay Leno for its 100th anniversary headline in 1995: "100 YEARS OF PUBIC (sic) SERVICE" -- The St. Augustine WrecKord has endorsed DONALD J. TRUMP for President.
Oh, yawn.
In the words of New Orleans DA Jim Garrison, "What do you expect from a pig but a grunt?" Or in the words of Washington Post reporters Woodward & Bernstein's informant, FBI Associate Director Mark Felt (played by Hal Holbrook in the movie, All the President's Men): "I hate shallowness."
UPDATE: A well-dressed matron, circa 75 years old, appeared in the St. Augustine Beach Publix early this morning.
While standing in line waiting to to pay $2 for the overpriced St. Augustine WRecKord, the greatest cat litter box ever, she read the Record's endorsement of Donald Trump for President. To everyone present, the lady exclaimed, "Unbelievable!" She dropped the newspaper back in the pile. "I am not buying this newspaper now and never will in the future. Can you imagine endorsing Donald Trump? Unbelievable."

When readers of Morris Communications newspapers turn to the editorial page on Sunday, November 6, 2016, they will find endorsements supporting Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.Morris is a third generation, family-owned company. We hold traditional values (sic) and have long-held conservative views that we believe have been key components in making this country a world leader.While this endorsement reflects our opinion, we want readers to know that this does not influence our news coverage. Newsrooms run independently (sic) from our editorial pages [Ed's note: But evidently not independent from the Morris boys and from their developer-driven Politburo in Augusta, GA].
Many newspapers throughout the country have chosen not to make endorsements this year due to the mercurial candidates. I believe that it is a mistake, and it is our responsibility to have the courage (sic) to voice an opinion and to lead civil (sic) discourse.
More voices and opinions make our country strong, even when we are not in agreement. But we can all agree it’s crucial that everyone exercise their right to vote.
W.S. Morris IV
President & CEO
Morris Communications
Posted November 6, 2016 12:02 am
RECORD ENDORSEMENT: Trump our best bet for a return to core relevance
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Our country needs a new direction if it is to remain “our” country. By “our” we don’t mean white or black, or rich or poor, or Muslim or Methodist or even left or right.
It means the country our founders had the wisdom to create, the country for which many thousands of our military’s men and women died to perpetuate — and the country that, not that long ago, led the world in freedom, commerce and international respect.
That country is no longer “us.” It is a country that increasingly views success and hard work with resentment. It is a country in which Democracy, once a beacon of equality and inclusion, is a gridlocked trough where the richest squeals get the slop rather than the largest need. It is a country that increasingly puts the welfare of an abstract world order ahead of needs and dreams of the people who own it. It is a country deaf to its own cries of decline.
And it is a country that Hillary Clinton will sustain.
Donald Trump is easy to dismiss — a cinch to dislike. He’s coarse and pugnacious. He’s self-absorbed and self-indulgent. But he’s also clearly a man completely unconcerned with “fitting in” to the crippled calamity of governance. That, alone, recommends him for the job he’s seeking.
Conventional wisdom says we should fear his handling of international relations. May we suggest that playing our role from a position of strength is far less dangerous than America’s current role as the doormat upon which petty dictators wipe their boots. In the Class of 2016, we’ve become “the country most likely to capitulate.” Our only real allies are on the payroll. Clinton’s world without borders is Pollyanna, and the most dire threat our country faces. You cannot reason with unreasonable leaders. Here at home we’re saddled with a health care system imploding upon itself, crushed under the weight of diminishing options and spiraling costs. Clinton is its apologist. P.J. O’Rourke noted, “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free.”
We’ve made immigration an international right rather than privilege it is, along with the very real obligations of citizenship attached. It is stacking the electoral deck for decades of votes, bought with the promise of life unencumbered by real endeavor. A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. A Clinton presidency throws the doors wide open. If you believe that the Second Amendment is here to stay, think again. The recent Supreme Court affirmations of the right to bear arms were by 5-4 votes. The fifth majority vote was that of Justice Antonin Scalia, now gone. The next president will change the face of the high court for decades — one way or the other. To his credit, Trump has announced his short list of candidates to fill coming vacancies. Their selection, he insists, is based on “constitutional principles.” Trump may be irascible, but his opponent is currently indictable. She deflects every one of her considerable missteps by shooting the messenger. Ask FBI head James Comey this week. The millions of dollars pumped into the Clinton Foundation have yet to be proven to be quid pro quo. But does it occur to anyone that the real platform for payback is the White House?
In the end, this endorsement is not so much for a candidate, but for the sea of “deplorables” who believe they’ve heard their own voices echo in a presidential contender. Donald Trump’s real relevance lies only in the millions of Americans who agree with him. He’s where he is — as the latest polls indicate — because roughly half of our country puts its trust in the maverick candidate as their best bet to stop what they see as the death spiral of the United States of America.
As deplorable as it may seem to the other half of our country, we think they’re on to something — and recommend Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. There’s nothing permanent but change.

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