Saturday, August 25, 2007


and only Commissioner GEORGE GARDNER voted against it. The site, next to St.Augustine High School, contains what the University of Florida Anthropology Department Acting Chair, Dr. Sassaman, concluded last year was likely a 3000-4000 indigenous Native American Indian village and ceremonial site. The shallow archaeology report by ESI was halted before it reached phase 2. Florida, county and city officials let the people down. Drive by the site and see for yourself what landraping real estate speculator developer and foreign investor influence is doing to the Nation's Oldest City.

By the way, ROBERT MICHAEL GRAUBARD's ex-girlfriend is Commissioner SUSAN BURK, whom GRAUBARD kissed during a recess in the June 11, 2007 City Commission meeting. BURK voted in favor of GRAUBARD's project at the January 9, 2006 City Commission meeting. She did not disclose her relationship to GRAUGARD, either then or since, although I have specifically asked Commissioners to discuss their "agreements, understandings and relationships" with GRAUBARD and other real estate speculators.

Our unjust stewards in city government think its fun to use their influence their friends and even laugh at the rubes who think this is a democracy. Enough. See below for more on real estate speculator ROBERT MICHAEL GRAUBARD and the Ponce family's lawsuit over alleged fraud involving the Conch House Marina project, once called "one sweet monkey."

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