Thursday, July 15, 2010

DANIEL SAUL GELBER Misses the Point -- We Don't Need a Big Law Firm Criminal Defense Lawyer as Florida's Attorney General!

We don't need an Attorney General who was a $225,000/year corporate criminal defense lawyer for our State's largest law firm, AKERMAN SENTERFITT -- the firm that billed the people of St. Augustine hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend disgraced racist City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS' illegal dumping in our Old City Reservoir in Wst Augustine (and had the unmitigated nerver to propose placing the contaminated solid waste back in Lincolnville, to make a "park!")

DAN GELBER's citing an inopposite ethics rule is just the latest inconsistency in his story.

GELBER claims he's had some of his clients for "25 years."

That's rather odd, because that includes time when he was a prosecutor and U.S. Senate staffer. Federal ethics rules prohibit Senate employees and prosecutors from moonlighting for private clients.

So what's going on here?

Is this another DAN GELBER exaggeration?

Or did DAN GELBER have private clients as a prosecutor and U.S. Senate counsel?

See article below and list of AKERMAN SENTERFITT clients and work, posted here Monday.

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