Thursday, January 07, 2016

Environmental lawyer making a difference in peoples' lives: Robert Bilott of Taft, Stettinius, profiled in New York Times Magazine

Gnarly article in this Sunday's New York Times Magazine about Robert Bilott, an Ohio lawyer with the Taft, Stettinius corporate law firm representing plaintiffs in an epic lawsuit against DuPont over pollution in West Virginia. Read it here.
Warning: don't read this article either before or after a meal: at the start of the article, descriptions of the horrible suffering of the cattle poisoned by DuPont's wicked corporate misdeeds will make you sick to your stomach. FDR called corporations like DuPont "malefactors of great wealth." They and the governments that empower them are a stench in the nostrils of our Nation. Enough suffering. It's time for governments "of the people, by the people and for the people," or humankind itself may "perish from the Earth." What do y'all reckon?

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