So the University of Florida and its contumacious contractor, former Philadelphia 76ers owner PAT CROCE wants to open another bar and restaurant on the grounds of the Colonial Quarter Museum, destroying authenticity.
They ran into six unanimous Historic Architectural Review Board (and me), who sent them away without getting any special treatment, agreeing with staff. Play the tape (Item 8B).
I quoted Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, a food lover who once sent a pudding back to the kitchen, stating, "This pudding has no theme."
HARB members were unanimously agreed that proposed additions and modifications to the Colonial Quarter were inauthentic, postponing action. Board members Antoinette Wallace, Paul Weaver and Barbara Wingo (retired UF lawyer) agreed with me, the only public speaker.
Mr. Weaver scored the inauthentic "monster deck." Ms. Wallace said the history museum has been turned into an "entertainment venue." Barbara Wingo scored the proposed ticket office blocking the view of historic buildings.
Croce's architect Les Thomas hyperventilated, his voice and facial colors changing.
Croce's assistant, Cindy Stavely admitted that Pat Croce is in material breach of contract: "We are not a living history museum." We "tried," she said.
UF's contractor is in material breach of contract, I said, having failed to provide a living history experience with interpreters, as it is obligated to do so. UF needs to give notice to PAT CROCE and fire him and his firm if they do not do their job. Instead, UF must contort with the National Park Service for living history at the Colonial Quarter, helping build the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
1 comment:
Tourism First, before everything and everyone else rules the day. The efforts to promote Tourism-First, was on display at last year's 450 spectacular. Over-the-top, crass commercialism, pandering to the lowest common denominator. All in the name of tourism-related commerce.
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