The mismanaged, failing ST. AUGUSTINE WRecKord newspaper/viewspaper has never treated Bernie Sanders fairly. Biased ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD is little more than a Republican house organ, once again omitting news that is embarrassing to Republicans. We need a REAL NEWSPAPER here.
DENNIS HASTERT was a child molester, according to federal prosecutors.
Notorious homophobic anti-Gay marriage former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives HASTERT used Gay marriage as a bullet in GEORGE W. BUSH's 2004 re-election campaign, keeping the House in session to vote on a bogus anti-Gay constitutional amendnet.
Second in line in presidential succession, homophobe Speaker of the House DENNIS HASTERT molested children -- boys on his high school wrestling team, federal prosecutors charge.
Nothing in today's biased, right-wing Republican-leaning ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD.
Wonder why?
The ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD is the only U.S. daily newspaper that kept the election of President Barack Obama off its front page (hiding it on page five).
The ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD is a lickspittle for the rich and powerful including developers clear-cutting our forests, destroying our wetlands and infesting our local governments, like so many mendacious maladroit maggots crawling on top of a greasy spoon garbage can in South Florida in August.
The ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD ignored the facts and provided a maladroit chauvinistic "defense" of corrupt, tatterdemalion local lawmen DAVID SHOAR, the High Sheriff, and RALPH LARIZZA, the maladroit State's Attorney, after The New York Times reported on the September 2, 2010 shooting of Michelle O'Connell in the one of Deputy JEREMY BANKS.
The ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD for months has suppressed information on the FBI investigation of Sheriff DAVID BERNERD SHOAR, f/k/a "SHOAR."
The ST. AUGUSTINE RECORD even suppressed information on the criminal sentencing of BERNARD KERIK, President George Walker Bush's and Rudolph Giuliani's choice for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Here's The New York Times article on the April 8, 2016 federal filings in the criminal case of the very guilty, very Republican child molester DENNIS HASTERT, the former Republican Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, omitted from today's St. Augustine Record.

Hastert Molested at Least Four Boys, Prosecutors Say
J. Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the House, after his arraignment in Chicago last June. Federal prosecutors on Friday provided details of sexual abuse allegations against him.CreditJoshua Lott for The New York Times
CHICAGO — Federal prosecutors on Friday for the first time provided details of sexual abuse allegations against J. Dennis Hastert, the former speaker of the House, asserting that he molested at least four boys, as young as 14, when he worked as a high school wrestling coach decades ago.
Mr. Hastert, 74, is not charged with abuse because of statutes of limitation, prosecutors said, but he was accused last year of illegally structuring bank withdrawals to pay one of his victims in an effort to hide the abuse. He pleaded guilty in October to the banking violation, and suffered a stroke in November while awaiting sentencing, set for April 27.
In a court filing late Friday, making suggestions for a judge who will decide Mr. Hastert’s sentence, the prosecutors described specific, graphic incidents that they say occurred when Mr. Hastert was a popular, championship-winning coach in a small Illinois town in the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. The “known acts,” the prosecutors said, consisted of “intentional touching of minors’ groin area and genitals or oral sex with a minor.”
“The actions at the core of this case took place not on the defendant’s national public stage but in his private one-on-one encounters in an empty locker room and a motel room with minors that violated the special trust between those young boys and their coach,” the prosecutors wrote.
A lawyer for Mr. Hastert did not reply to a request for comment on the prosecution claims. In a court filing earlier this week, Mr. Hastert, who has stayed largely out of view since the charges emerged nearly a year ago, requested probation and said he was “profoundly sorry” for past conduct, though he did not specify those actions. On Friday, Mr. Hastert also filed under a seal a response to the government’s pre-sentence investigation. A hearing is set for next week on whether his filing remains under seal.
According to the prosecutors, Mr. Hastert gave one boy, a 14-year-old freshman wrestler, a massage in the locker room, then performed an unspecified sex act on him. Another boy, Stephen Reinboldt, who died in 1995, was sexually abused by Mr. Hastert throughout high school in the late 1960s and early 1970s, his sister and others told the prosecutors. A third boy, who was 17 and remembered Mr. Hastert sitting in a recliner-type chair with a direct view of the locker room shower stalls, said Mr. Hastert had told him that one way to make his wrestling weight was to get a massage, then performed a sexual act. And prosecutors said Mr. Hastert had massaged another boy’s groin area after asking the boy to stay in his hotel room during a wrestling camp.
That incident became the center of the prosecution’s case. It was also the reason that the allegations, which were never exposed during Mr. Hastert’s eight years as the Republican speaker of the House, came to light. The boy, known in court documents as Individual A, confronted Mr. Hastert years later, around 2010, asked him why he had done what he did, and sought a settlement — beginning the payments that would be Mr. Hastert’s downfall.
In late 2014, as law enforcement authorities were investigating unusually large withdrawals from Mr. Hastert’s bank account, Mr. Hastert said that he was doing nothing unusual with his money — and that he simply did not trust banks. Not long after, his lawyer told the investigators a different story: The lawyer said that Mr. Hastert was paying large sums — and promising as much as $3.5 million, the authorities say — to Individual A because Individual A was extorting him for false allegations of abuse.
Prosecutors Recommend Sentencing for Dennis Hastert
Illinois prosecutors said they believed the former speaker of the House should face up to six months in prison.
After a series of recorded phone calls, with Mr. Hastert’s cooperation, the investigators concluded that there was no extortion, but that Mr. Hastert was actually carrying out an agreed-to settlement for real abuse.
Even when Mr. Hastert told Individual A, as investigators listened in, that he needed more time to come up with more money, Individual A “did not make any threats” and even “expressed understanding,” the prosecutors said. At another point, Individual A seemed agreeable, even empathetic, suggesting that they settle on smaller amounts and keep the payments as a “private, personal matter.” Individual A even pushed Mr. Hastert to tell his wife about the payment agreement, and suggested that an outside lawyer or confidante might be called in.
Of the abuse of Individual A, prosecutors said there was “no ambiguity.”
Prosecutors said the motel incident had happened during a trip to a wrestling camp, in which several other boys shared a room but where Individual A and Mr. Hastert spent the night together. Individual A told prosecutors he did not know why Mr. Hastert had singled him out.
The court filing says Mr. Hastert had the boy strip naked and lay on a bed under the guise of treating a groin pull, but it “became clear to Individual A that defendant was not touching him in a therapeutic manner to address a wrestling injury but was touching him in an inappropriate sexual way.” The boy then ran across the room, confused and embarrassed, before Mr. Hastert asked him to get onto Mr. Hastert’s back and to give the coach a massage. “Defendant lay on the bed in only his underwear, and Individual A gave him a back massage,” the prosecutors said. “They then went to sleep in the same bed.”
When Mr. Hastert was charged last year, the accusations rattled the town of Yorkville, Ill., about an hour west of here. Mr. Hastert, a Republican who served as House speaker from 1999 to 2007, was regarded as a hero by many in Yorkville, where he had taught high school. But prosecutors said Mr. Hastert’s life had been “marred by stunning hypocrisy.”
They alluded to a fifth boy from Mr. Hastert’s days in Yorkville who recalled Coach Hastert brushing against his genitals during a massage at one point. But he said he was unsure whether the contact was intentional though he found it “very weird.”
Of the boys, prosecutors said: “He made them feel alone, ashamed, guilty and devoid of dignity. While defendant achieved great success, reaping all the benefits that went with it, these boys struggled, and all are still struggling now with what defendant did to them.”
In the court filing, prosecutors said they believed Mr. Hastert should face up to six months in prison, as suggested under federal guidelines.
Prosecutors took note of Mr. Hastert’s poor health, but said that Mr. Hastert could continue getting medical care in prison if needed.
Steven A. Block, an assistant United States Attorney, said that Mr. Hastert’s sentencing judge should “balance the positive nature of defendant’s public service with the need to avoid a public perception that the powerful are treated differently than ordinary citizens when facing sentencing for a serious crime.”
A version of this article appears in print on April 9, 2016, on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Hastert Accused of Molesting 4 Boys as a Coach.
1 comment:
alot of veterans live in St. Augustine, and so many live in Jville its called a "Navy Town". The Record wouldn't want to make a cheerleader for Dubya's Iraq war misadventure look bad, now would they?
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