Wednesday, January 04, 2023

U.S. House of Representatives: Howard Henry Baker, Jr. Put It Best

I am today watching the train wreck that is the U.S. House of Representatives under mismanagement by wealthy Dull Republican misanthropes, who can't seem to get it together to elect a Speaker of the House with a four vote majority.  Is the current Republican-misled House of Representatives becoming a disgrace to our Nation?

At the funeral of Howard Henry Baker, Jr. in 2014, POLITICO reported that Senator Lamar Alexander recalled: “There were two things he said did not understand,” Alexander said in one of the lighter moments of the service. “One was the Middle East, and one was the United States House of Representatives.”  

Baker was the former Senate Republican Leader, former Reagan White House Chief of Staff and former Ambassador to Japan. Baker was lionized.  Baker had a great sense of humor, was an excellent storyteller, a skilled legislator and a talented photographer. I respected Baker for his intellect and legislative legerdemain skills. 

But I knew and saw first-hand what he and other landowners and strip-miners did to Central Appalachian and TVA .  Like the whorish coal broker and West Virginia Senator Joseph Manchin today, Baker was a spoiled rotten, entitled, conflicted, unethical coal operator-Senator.  I wrote about Howard Baker's works and pomps on this blog, here.

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