Thursday, August 01, 2024

SARAH ARNOLD, angry County Commissioner, threatens free speech : hold her accountable for her lies, sins and torts.

Angry amateur uneducated St. Johns County Commissioner SARAH ARNOLD, SJC County Commission Chair,  RONALD DION DeSANTIS-appointed Commissioner after resignation of beloved Commissioner Jeb Smith: Angry ARNOLD "threatens like a dockside bully," in the words of St. Thomas More in the movie and Robert Bolt play, A Man For All Seasons. 

SARAH ARNOLD'S  misbehavior is what you might expect from an entitled aristocrat, in-over-hear-head bumptious bully, duked into in office by conflicted half-billionaire developer-Senator TRAVIS JAMES HUTSON.  

Here she is sworn into office, duked in by Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS, by her father-in-law, a retired controversial judge, next to her husband, a corporate lawyer.

Be not afraid of bullies.  Or their works and pomps.l Or their entourages.

We, then People have had enough of their overdevelopment, flummery, dupery and nincompoopery.

My dad helped liberate the first French town freed from the Nazis on June 6, 1944 (D-Day), before the sun had even risen that day. 

As my dad taught me, as JFK's dad taught him, "You have to stand up to people with power or they walk all over you."

Never forget. 

It's our country.  We have the right to speak out.  And we will, my friends.


On Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 03:18:38 PM EDT, Ed Slavin <> wrote:

Dear Chair Arnold:
1. Please explain your recent interruptions and smirking behavior, e.g. purporting to give me a "final warning" at the July 16, 2024 BoCC meeting.  I responded, "Of what?"  You did not explain.  Your behavior is beneath the dignity of a free people, and violates the First Amendment.   
2. We have a right to put our County Commissioners' non-assertive conduct on the record, as in a court case.  Provocative body language is part of the public record. Smirking is uncouth. 
3. Likewise, you have stated often we that citizens have the right to public comment on "every agenda item," which right you have several times disdained, once stating "nope!"    
4. Please call me to discuss SJC BoCC procedures and evidence.
Thank you. 

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