Thursday, August 01, 2024





Four "UNCOUTH"  St. Johns County Commissioners are the problem. 

Does being SJC "mean never having to say you're sorry?"  What ails our old friend, ISAAC HENRY DEAN?  Will he live through another four year term?  Or will wealthy TRAVIS JAMES HUTSON, developer-Senator, get to pick a third member of St. Johns County Commission?


All Republicans.  Standing between hope and history, amidst massive clearcutting and destruction of our history and nature.  Get to work, ladies and gentlemen.  Enough flummery.

My friend HENRY DEAN - whom former Governor Jeb Bush called "older than dirt" and the "Godfather" of Florida water policy -- was once a voice of reason on the gerrymandered St. Johns County Commission, a mensch, with real world experience working for five Governors. I miss that guy.  He's lost touch, often ahead of his skis.

In 2023, DEAN misled three (3) other-directed Republican County Commissioners voted to censure and falsely accuse their fifth colleague of election crimes (Krista Keating-Joseph).  Two of the three were DeSANTIS appointees.  

Two of the three are uneducated, and it shows.   

They looked up to DEAN  They voted to censure Commissioner Krista Keating-Joseph for exercising her God-given right to free speech.  They broke the law.  DEAN cited an inapplicable state criminal statute. He and other Commissioners interrupted 

So on July 10, 2024, esteemed Senior U.S. District Court Judge Harvey E. Schlessinger ruled July 10 that Commissioner Krista Keating-Joseph' sacred First Amendment rights were violated. 

When Commission candidate Ann-Marie Evans and others caled for an apology, Commissioner ISAAC HENRY DEAN doubled down with the mendacious man-splaining. My friend HENRY actually said Commissioner Joseph was "uncouth." Sexist piggery? You tell me. This reminds me of the time in 2008 when my friend BEN RICH, SR. insulted County Clerk "Bud" Markel, and never apologized. I repeatedly advised my friend Ben to apologize. 

 BEN RICH did not apologize. That's probably why BEN lost for re-election in 2008.  He was an ethical, honorable retired federal law enforcement agent and elected official in St. Johns County.  His ego blinded him to facts.

Locals loved Bud Markel's wife. Did Ms. Markel help see to it that BEN RICH, SR. lost by some 300 votes, in yet another conveniently closed gerrymandered Dull Republican Primary? What a shame, setting back the clock on reform in St. Johns County by more than a decade. 

Fast forward to 2023-2024. Another inflated ego, another loud public outburst, another long public carerr crashing. 

In proposing the censure and in barking that his fellow Commissioner was "uncouth," has my friend ISAAC HENRY DEAN, nearly 80 years old, acted like a petulant eight year old boy?  A male chauvinist pig?  A social dominator, who chafed that he had to to an assertive, educated, intelligent woman unwilling to witness or permit massive environmental devastation by the political contributors of SJC's Gang of Four?  As if ordered to do so by their wealthy campaign contributors, four SJC BoCC donee-beneficiaries of developers, Commissioners ISAAC HENRY DEAN, SARAH ARNOLD,  CHRISTIAN WHITEHURST and ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, Jr. had to put Commissioner Joseph in her "place."  

They are unapologetic, even after the July 10, 2024 U.S. Court decision!

The closed, gerrymandered Republican primary election is August 20, 2024.  

"Repent now, there's still time." (That's what Senator Robert F. Kennedy wrote in his dedication of his 1967 book, To Seek A Newer World, to segregationist Senator James O. Eastland (D. Miss.)(below).  

Does being St. Johns County mean never having to say you're sorry?  Henry?

1 comment:

Pete said...

You get up there and shame people every meeting, they haven't removed you from the building, where are the First Amendment violations? You'll get up there next time and do the same thing will you not? You'd rather them sit there and act like you're not talking? That's what I gather from your complaints. And if they yelled at you... you'd complain about that to. All this is absurdity.