-----Original Message-----
From: easlavin
To: stcyprianschurch
Sent: Wed, Oct 29, 2014 11:49 am
Subject: Re: Complete list of contemplated compassion obelisk locations and topics and and all documents on goals, funders and past and planned public participation opportunities; workshop on public art
1. Please respond to e-mails and phone message.
2. I suggest the urgent need for "compassion" obelisks for:
a. genocide,
b. slavery,
c. indentured servitude,
d. lynchings and other unsolved homicides,
e. segregation and domestic terrorism (KKK, Rod & Gun Club and John Birch Society),
f. election fraud,
g. wage theft,
h. civil rights violations,
i. government corruption,
j. environmental racism,
k. officer-involved domestic violence,
l. union-busting,
m. rampant First Amendment violations, and
n. anti-GLBT discrimination (Article I, Section 27 of our Florida Constitution enacted by 62% banning Gay marriage), and
o. harassment of the poor or homeless.
3. I notice Sheriff David Bernard Shoar is a "partner."
4. What does that entail?
5. Any $ from him or the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department Four Star Association, Inc. or Willliam Bruce Harriss or others associated with the Sheriff and his political machine?
6. Will any of your "partnerships" influence selection of public art on "compassion," and how?
-----Original Message-----
From: easlavin
To: stcyprianschurch
Sent: Tue, Oct 28, 2014 4:33 pm
Subject: Fwd: Complete list of contemplated compassion obelisk locations and topics and and all documents on goals, funders and past and planned public participation opportunities; workshop on public art
Please respond. Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: easlavin
To: ilopez
Cc: mayorboles
Sent: Tue, Oct 28, 2014 1:32 pm
Subject: Complete list of contemplated compassion obelisk locations and topics and and all documents on goals, funders and past and planned public participation opportunities; workshop on public art
Dear John, Isabel, et al.
1. Please send.
2. I request the City convene an open public Sunshine workshop to discuss proposed locations, themes and artists to comply with reasonable expectations of probity and with Article I, Section 24 of our Florida Constitution and the First Amendment, since this is to be a First Amendment public forum with art to be displayed in public places. We must assure that all artists interested know of the opportunity, and that our history be told accurately and fully.
3. Please call to discuss.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
Clean Up City of St. Augustine, Florida
Great post Ed!
Stay with this iconic stylized KKK hood obelisk deceptive compassion feed the menticide scam.
Can you smell the brainwashing traces of Joe Bowen's ''Character Counts" program? Joe was Sheriff David Bernard Shoar's PR guy in the SAPD.
I want an iconic stylized KKK hood obelisk for the pigdebt [Pigdebt is the total amount of recompense due to those who have been harmed, financially, physically, and emotionally, by the willful and intentional immoral usurpation of the 'rule of law' by Xtrevilist pigs for selfish gain.] Maybe a big fat pig wearing one of these iconic stylized KKK hood obelisks and dancing and singing down Saint George Street.
George Bush had a back ground promotional hand in creating this program. Its a baby Jesus on the sleeve effort. On the surface it has a nice pleasant aroma but dig into it and hit substance and delivery and it stinks.
The premise of Character Counts is that "children are uncivilized" and need education in "understanding and living up to moral duties".
This is necessary because these immoral little creatures are the product of a whole host of societal ills because their parents do not have the skill, the will, or the smarts to give them good guidance. The program views nontraditional families and the public school bureaucracy as adversaries. NO mention of the pigdebt that harms, hamstrings, and constrains these poor citizens, is ever made. [Pigdebt is the total amount of recompense due to those who have been harmed, financially, physically, and emotionally, by the willful and intentional immoral usurpation of the 'rule of law' by Xtrevilist pigs for selfish gain.]
"Character Counts! Rationale
The Introduction to Character Education in America’s Schools asks the rhetorical question "Why Educate for Character?" (p.v). The answer reveals a dim view of contemporary American social life: "Because many homes do not" (ibid.). The authors briefly identify the home as "a big part of the problem" (ibid.), and they list some statistics - half of all children live in nontraditional families, including single parent homes and blended families. The claim is made that "statistics link the decline of the traditional nuclear family with rising teen pregnancy, school drop-outs, divorce rates, unemployment, poverty, and just about every other ill in our society" (ibid.). The authors believe even traditional families in which both parents work allow too many hours without parental supervision, during which their children spend lethargic hours watching sex and violence on television. These "stretched-to-the-limit working parents are not finding the time - or perhaps the will, or the skills" to be moral guides for their children (ibid.). The authors conclude that "somebody’s got to do it" (ibid., p. 2), and so schools must step into the breach. They must do this by "teaching values deliberately - through the curriculum" (ibid.)."
More from a 'system' critique of the program here;
My pet peeve of course is that the program is administered by the grossly immoral "Do as I say but not as I do." gangster crowd and winds up being an integral part of the menticide by focusing on business and wealth adoration and teaching kids to be docile and 'do what you are told'.
Diss that tie!
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