St. Johns County Political Machine's Desperation Tactics re: Mosquito Control
Corrupt, controlling, creepy, cadaverous County officials badly want to take over Mosquito Control.
The same thugs and mugs who wanted to take over all local governments were rejected -- twice rejected -- in 2008 by the voters.
The same mugs and thugs who tried to take over independent Mosquito Control in 2010 were rejected by residents and legislators.
Now they are running RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY MARA against Jeanne Modeler for Commissioner of the Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County.
Now they want "dead hand control" over public health, about which they know nothing.
Commissioner Jeanne Moeller is one of our heroes -- she worked with John Sundeman to halt the $1.8 million no-bid luxury jet helicopter purchase and win a deposit refund
Jeanne Moeller stands up to corruption.
Corrupt county government fools want you to elect their mean and nasty dirty trickster, their ideological IGOR, CORY MARA. He's hired a black man to hold up to call Jeanne Moeller, a card-carrying NAACP member a "racist."
Are the county elected and appointed officials violating the Florida Hatch Act?
Why are county officials licking their chops like Dracula at the Blood Bank?
Why are county officials looking to take over an independent scientific and technical agency dedicated to protecting public health and the environment?
Don't let these foolish ghouls replace good science with bad management.
Don't let these ghoulish foolish energumen politicize public health.
Don't let the corrupters and crooks put scientists under the road and bridge department.
Don't let them return to the sorry days of political AMCD, with lazy political patronage employees having sex in cemeteries while they screw the taxpayers.
Their Nixon-Agnewesque clone, RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY MARA sounds like a good name for a pathogenic arbovirus.
RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY (if that's his real name) is unfit -- he said his qualifications for a non-partisan job are his religious and political affiliations.
RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY has no ideas.
RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY is a maladroit, mendacious, mediocrity, just like RANDY BRUNSON and the rest of the county wrecking crew.
RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY is nearly as big a public nuisance as no-see-ems and skeeters.
Vote against RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY MARA, the empty suit, who can't spell, can't think and won't tell the truth.
Vote for Jeanne Moeller.
Vote against RANDY BRUNSON's son-in-law, CORY MARA, a county takeover of AMCD, and county waste, fraud, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, flummery, dupery and nincompoopery.
For more: read here.
Re-elect Jeanne Moeller to Mosquito Control. See letters in today's Record.
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