Sign-stealing is a despicable, sophomoric act.
It is an anti-social disease.
It is an act of desperation.
Amateur hour.
Politics practiced by bullies.
People who can't spell, can't think, hate blacks, hate Gays and want to reduce politics to their primitive level.
Rancid Republicans, KKK, law enforcement, inbred county employees and other sign thieves might watch themselves for signs of advanced brain boogers.
We, The People, know who you are and what you are.
Impotent energumen cretins.
A pox on all your houses, Randy, Cory, Michael, Jim, Bob, Joe, David et pals.
KKK SIGN THIEVES: Have you been tested for leprosy, the Ebola virus, Mad Cow Disease and other infectious diseases?
The signs you steal might just be contaminated.
Ask your county political boss about health care options and hazmat suits.
Just kiddin'.

1 comment:
"Contagion comes from desperation."
Syllogism for Sign Stealers
All viruses mutate.
All sign stealers carry multiple viruses.
Therefore, all sign stealers are mutants.
Spyware: It's not for home security anymore. Random signs are movement-activated and record stealer's face and fingerprints. Isn't technology wonderful?
Sign Stealing: The Final Refuge of the Desperate, Hapless and Hopeless.
MY momma didn't raise no sign-stealing thug!
Once a man or woman steals an opponent's political sign, or encourages and/or applauds such an incredulous act of wickedness -- the deprivation of the Right to Free Speech -- then the politician who endorses and/or demands such actions will be subject to the public humiliation of forfeiting his political position. By a landslide.
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