The St. Augustine Record's overbearing, disrespectful control of League of Women Voters fora must be ended, along with the LWV's wimpy reluctance to ask relevant tough public questions.
The Record does not even know how long JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, Jr. has been Mayor (hint: four terms, not two).
The Record does not know the issues, or public policy. Its parvenu uninformed Director of Audience/Editor disrespects citizens and candidates, with disrespectful nonverbal and verbal communication.
Enough snootiness from Kathy Nelson, whose tyranny has fired good reporters and insulted New York Times' investigative reporter Walt Bogdanich of the Michelle O'Connell case and Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR.
Let's have a Flagler College professor on the panel.
More later.

1 comment:
"Rebarbative St. Augustine Record must be removed from controlling League of Women Voters (LWV) election fora"
Rebarbative St. Augustine Record must be removed from controlling the local menticide. It is more than repellant, it is an integral tool of the local organized crime we call 'government' that enforces its usurped power with 'legalized' violence.
People who vote are the problem.
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