WEEKS still chairs the Parking and Traffic Committee.
WEEKS still serves on the all-white Visioning Committee.
Both meet tomorrow at 8:30 AM, an inconvenient time.
WEEKS destroyed 62A Spanish Street, a 210-year old building.
WEEKS still profiteers from his 81 St. George Street no-bid lease with Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR.
WEEKS destroyed St. Augustine's musicians and artists by making music and art on St. George Street a crime.
WEEKS is a disgrace to our Nation's Oldest City.
WEEKS, be gone!
Update: He never resigned. He still chairs P&T and serves on Visioning.

Can anything be done about revoking his contractor's license for the destruction of that house?
Lord Lenny is a self serving willful scum bag sociopath who has led this city into the moral darkness with his greed driven fixation on overly repressive high community impact gangster tourism. If ever an industry was wrong and destructive for such a physically beautiful community it is tourism in Saint Augustine. With so many other socially positive industries that could be attracted to and included in the city's industrial mix — because of its superb geography and location alone — it is a shame that gangster tourism has gained the foothold that it has.
Lord Lenny, a real taker, is greatly responsible for the large pigdebt in the city [Pigdebt is the total amount of recompense due to those who have been harmed, financially, physically, and emotionally, by the willful and intentional immoral usurpation of the 'rule of law' by Xtrevilist pigs for selfish gain.]
I have addressed the many pitfalls and failings of tourism before in past issues of my BANNED and CONFISCATED, PRO FREE SPEECH and PRO CIVIL RIGHTS newspaper, the "Saint Aug Dog".
BANNED and CONFISCATED many times by Lord Lenny's goon squad cops I might add!
You can read and get an inkling of the many negatives of gangster tourism as practiced by Lord Lenny and his cabal in this issue of the "Saint Aug Dog" published over fifteen years ago. Keep in mind it is an old list and needs to be upgraded to reflect the many more current negative effects of Gangster tourism.
Isn't it time for a change?
People who vote are the problem. Those who lead to them to vote are more complicit in the system corruption.
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