CORY MARA told me the county's lawyer took his deposition. MARA was going to share it with me. He never did.
Now, by phone, St. Johns County Attorney PATRICK FRANCIS McCORMACK's office swears MARA's deposition was never taken.
In writing it claims it has no record.
I believe CORY MARA probably told the truth about giving a deposition in this civil case. He was angry about the questions he was asked, as are many employees who sue disgruntled former employers. He had no motive to lie about having his deposit taken.
MARA is supported by dodgy developer-friendly St. Johns County Administrator MICHAEL DAVID WANCHICK, et pals.
MARA is the machine candidate running against reformer Jeanne Moeller for the Anastasia Mosquito Control Commission of St. Johns County.
MARA is a politician's son-in-law.
WANCHIK et pals have a justified reputation for rebarbative Republican sneakiness.
See correspondence below.

St. Johns County Administrator MICHAEL DAVID WANCHICK


Dear Mr. Slavin:
After a reasonable search the County has found no records responsive to your request.
Thank you.
Asha Rimel
Office of County Attorney
St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners
500 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Phone: 904.209.0812 | Fax: 904.209.0806
Email: | Web:
P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.
From: Asha Rimel
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 4:33 PM
To: ''
Cc: Patrick McCormack; Diane Lehmann; David Migut
Subject: RE: Cory Mara lawsuit deposition transcripts
Dear Mr. Slavin:
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your public records request. St. Johns County will determine if it has any records that are responsive to your request. If any such records are located, we will compile them and redact any exempt material prior to providing them to you. Should it be determined that the nature or volume of the public records requested requires the extensive use of information technology resources, or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance, or both, then we will first respond with an estimate of the additional charges for the actual costs incurred, and whether a deposit will be required. In such instance, the records will be compiled only after you approve the charges and the County receives any required deposit. Payment for the total or remaining costs can be made when the records are available. If the actual cost is less than your deposit, you will be refunded the balance.
Thank you,
Asha Rimel
Office of County Attorney
St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners
500 San Sebastian View
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Phone: 904.209.0812 | Fax: 904.209.0806
Email: | Web:
P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 2:03 PM
To: Patrick McCormack
Subject: Cory Mara lawsuit deposition transcripts
Please send. Thank you.
Who is his in-law
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