A city meeting on MLK Day, a holiday, conflicting with civil rights commemorations in a town where Dr. King was arrested 50 years ago.
Deeply insensitive.
MLK Day is for civil rights observances, not parking prattle by unenlightened ignorant businessmen.
What chutzpah.
What low-class flummery, dupery and nincompoopery.
What an incompetent image to share with the world for our 450th.

Regarding this Lord Lenny utterance; "Everybody's Off"
The statement in of itself does not make Lord Lenny a racist and could simply be explained that he wants to insure better attendance. The racial make up of the committees is however a matter that begs the question; why is it so?
But a more important question is what is the make up of the thickness of the wallets of the members of the committee?
1. How many members are homeless?
2. How many have Xtrevilist sociopath big fat red wallets filled with plunder at the expense of repressing the common person's thin blue wallets (and non existing wallets) by usurping the now scam 'rule of law'?
3. How many members derive income from insuring that gangster excessive and grossly unfair high negative community impact unsustainable tourism continues to grow?
4. How many have reaped the profits and benefits that comprise the pigdebt? [Pigdebt is the total amount of recompense due to those who have been harmed, financially, physically, and emotionally, by the willful and intentional immoral usurpation of the 'rule of law' by Xtrevilist pigs for selfish gain.]
Racism is a construct created by the Xtrevilist rich sociopaths to divide and conquer the common person and deflect attention away from their voraciously piggish appetites, gross amassed wealth, and misuse of the planets resources.
Voting in rigged elections has brought us to these visioning and parking committee scams. It is time to BOYCOTT as a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE in this crooked gangster cabal.
Racist bigot LEN WEEKS would not propose to meet on Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day or Memorial Day, also national holidays. He obviously has no plans forMLK Day and thinks none of the other all-white members of the two committees do, either. WEEKS' father ran which segregated hospital? Supporter of what organizations? Did what to St. George Street artists and musicians?
Racist bigot LEN WEEKS would not propose to meet on Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day or Memorial Day, also national holidays. He obviously has no plans forMLK Day and thinks none of the other all-white members of the two committees do, either. WEEKS' father ran which segregated hospital? Supporter of what organizations? Did what to St. George Street artists and musicians?
Thanks for the amplification Ed. It embellishes and gives context to the "Everybody's Off" comment which alone does not constitute racism in my mind.
Personally I believe Lord Lenny should have been put in prison stripes long ago, along with a lot of his other loser gang members. I am well aware of the immoral decimation of the street artists and performers, FREE SPEECH and CIVIL RIGHTS activists, etc. in the city and his selfish and twisted pretend rationale for doing so.
Xtrevilism has many characteristic viewpoints...
• Xtrēvilists have an extreme sense of elevated self worth, with very elite “My crap does not stink.” internal thinking, coupled with an outward pretense of humility and pretending; “I'm just like you”.
• Xtrēvilists have a deeply hidden hyper-anxiety, excessive insecurity, extreme neediness and over the top greediness, masked by an almost unsettling outward public appearance of calm, reserve and confidence.
• Xtrēvilists also have an inner contempt for the rule of law — it is for others, not for them.
More here;
10/27 Commission meeting. Y'all come and watch me ask for WEEKS' resignation again. We shall overcome!
Weeks should be on his hands and knees BEGGING this town for forgiveness for demolishing Fornell House to increase his investment and to save money.
He is doing the same thing all over AGAIN. He learned nothing. He is still trying to get the work done as fast as he can (the problem in the first place) to avoid sidewalk costs. He wants to keep up with city work on the streets.
STILL no plans, STILL no certificate of appropriateness from HARB, STILL rushing and insisting on favors because he is special.
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