1. "L'ETAT, C'EST MOI." ("I am the state") --- King Louis XIV of France.

2. "AS OF NOW, I AM IN CONTROL" -- Al Haig, President Reagan's first Secretary of State, on March 30, 1981, the day Reagan was shot.

3. "I AM THE LAW" ("Listen, here is the law! I am the law!" at Emory Methodist Episcopal Church in Jersey City, November 10, 1937.)
Frank Hague,dictatorial Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey from 1917 to 1947, Democratic National Committeeman from New Jersey from 1922 until 1949, and Vice-Chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1924 until 1949. Wikipedia reports, "Hague died on New Year's Day in 1956 at his Park Avenue duplex apartment in New York. While hundreds gathered to see the casket depart the funeral home, only four men were seen to remove their hats for the passing of the coffin. One woman present held an American Flag and a sign that read, 'God have mercy on his sinful, greedy soul.'"

4. "I'LL GET ONE" --- Dictatorial St. Augustine City Manager WILLIAM BRUCE HARRISS (1998-2010) to then St. Augustine City Attorney JAMES PATRICK WILSON, Esquire at Old City Reservoir, February 24, 2006, when WILSON asked HARRISS if he had a St. Johns River Water Management District permit to dump 40,000 cubic yards of contaminated solid waste in St. Augustine's Old City Reservoir. (He never got one. After a long expensive $300,000 struggle, the waste was ordered deposited in Nassau County Landfill.)

5. "WE MAKE MONEY" --- St. Augustine's dictatorial Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR. (2006-2014) October 7, 2014 on what the City of St. Augustine does best, a "Floridian slip" referring to greedy "crony capitalists" like himself and ex-Mayor LEN WEEKS. Said October 7, 2014 one thing St. Augustine does "very well" is "WE ALSO KNOW HOW TO MAKE MONEY HERE." DOCUMENTED. VIDEOTAPED at River House. Question at 1:00:00, Mayor BOLES' answer is at 1:04:32.
Spoken like a man with a no-bid below market lease from the City with ex-Mayor LEN WEEKS for 81 St. George Street.

Ipse dixit. (He said it). Inculpatory. Shallow. Vapid. Silly. Let's call the whole thing off! No more years!

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