Carpenter House, which survived 70 years with its unique lean, did not survive the 2-1 vote of the St. Augustine Historic Architectural Review Board -- two members recused themselves because they are consultants paid by "developer" DAVID BARTON CORNEAL, who wants to put a Planned Unit Development and hotel for the wealthy in the last remaining primarily residential historic area, HP-1.

DAVID BARTON CORNEAL, of State College, Pennsylvania, patronizes neighbors.
Unjust steward building owners have destroyed three historic buildings in 211 days, spitting in the face of St. Augustine's inept regulation of historic building preservation.
First, former Mayor LEN WEEKS, a/k/a "CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS," destroyed Don Pedro Fornells House, 62A Spanish Street (210 years old), on September 25, 2014, a date that will live in in infamy, fined only $3600 by the City's limp, ineffectual code enfacement board. There are now only 33 Spanish colonial structures left in St. Augustine. Replacement: an inauthentic knockoff.
Second, St. Paul African-Methodist Episcopal Church Pastor RON RAWLS was allowed by 5-0 vote of City Commission December 8, 2014 to destroy 2/3 of Echo House., 100 MLK (89 years old), refusing to take back the property subject to the right of reverter and refusing to make RAWLS honor his commitments to save the building -- financial records show he did not even try to raise the funds or perform the work to preserve the historic African-American community building structure.. Replacement: shades of Janis Joplin -- a parking lot, with playground (odd mix).
Third, State College, Pennsylvania lawyer-developer DAVID BARTON CORNEAL was allowed by 2-1 vote of Historic Architectural Review Board April 8 to destroy 105-year old CARPENTERS' HOUSE. CORNEAL hired two HARB members, who recused themselves from voting. CORNEAL did not rebut city inspector testimony that the CARPENTER'S HOUSE was not falling down and was in fact safe; its unique lean preserved by interior wall systems. The cool, funky building existed when Wlliam Dean Howells visited St. Augustine and lived in the adjoining home at 246 St. George Street. Now CORNEAL wants to turn the Dow Museum of Historic Homes into a Xanadu for the wealthy, destroying HP-1 in the process. This sham is being pushed by former elected officials and current city officials, and by craven, paid-for, unjust stewards who periodically recuse themselves on city boards, taking developer money, while retaking their seats for other matters for which they have not been paid. Pitiful.
The city staff read the building inspector's statement but inexplicably did not call him as a witness. CORNEAL ignored warnings from City Attorney ISABELLE LOPEZ about demolition before time to file an appeal expired. CORNEAL is represented by former City Commissioner DONALD CRICHLOW and employs PAUL L. WEAVER, III, HARB VICE CHAIR and JEFREMY MARQUIS, the two HARB members who recuse themselves, also speaking through non-lawyer MARK ALAN KNIGHT, fired City Planning and Building Director (1998-2014); unauthorized practice of law by KNIGHT is a possible criminal misdemeanor, one about which our City refuses to seek a legal opinion from the State Attorney General or State Ethics Commission.


Chair of HARB until November was CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, Jr. (center) who destroyed 211-year old DON PEDRO FORNELLS HOUSE without permit.
Sick society of building-destroyers.
On left, RANDALL ROARK, now HARB Chair, only vote to save CARPENTERS HOSUE
next (between him and WEEKS) is LES THOMAS, architect
on WEEKS' right are PAUL L. WEAVER, III, HARB vice chair, now working for DAVID BARTON CORNEAL
at right, former HUD archaeologist ANTOINETTE WALLACE, who voted to demolish CARPENTERS HOUSE.
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