Cordova Inn a good fit
Posted: April 25, 2015 - 3:59pm

Cordova Inn a good fit
Editor: There have been several letters published in this space criticizing the proposed use of the old Dow Property Museum as an inn with nightly rentals. The concern centers around the “cardinal rule” of no commercial uses in HP1. I am a resident of HP1 and have been since 1946. There is no one more committed to protecting the quality of life in this neighborhood and limiting commercial intrusion. I am on record as speaking out against previous proposed B&Bs. Some people believe the only use for this property should be single family residential, however the site does not lend itself to this use for many reasons. Re-platting this property into individual lots would be a tragic mistake, and would destroy the historic integrity of this beautiful site.
An historic inn is the best and least intensive use for the property. The owner has agreed in the PUD to no weddings or receptions, no amplified music and no music after 10 p.m. Off-site parking will be provided, and all access to and from the property will be from Cordova Street — which means no cars in HP1. But, probably, the greatest benefit from the iproposed use is that it would keep the property open to public access by the guests that stay there — and on other occasions such as the First Friday Art Walks.
Yes, this technically is commercial intrusion into HP1. But it’s the kind of intrusion that will protect the quality of life in the neighborhood. Isn’t that what it’s all about? The alternative use for the property could be 22 rental apartments. Let’s not, as the old saying goes, “Cut off our nose to spite our face.” Student rentals are the real threat to HP1, not an historic inn such as the owner has proposed.
St. Augustine
1 comment:
Crichlow is a whore. He will sell out this town for any price. He is full of crap and isn't fooling anyone.
David Corneal is a thundering thug of a bully. All hot air, no substance, fueled by his delusional self-importance.
Together they are corrupting that downtown residential neighborhood.
Good folk, how long will you allow them to roll over everything you worked for and have?
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