Posted: April 27, 2015 - 10:24pm


By Leanna S. A. Freeman
Editor: My jaw dropped when I read Sunday’s editorial about the City Commission — on which I have been so honored to serve for over six years. I had no idea this story was in the works.
First, I was completely, yet pleasantly, surprised to read that The St. Augustine Record had any concept of what is really happening at City Hall. Secondly, I was impressed that my fellow commissioner, Nancy Sikes-Kline, was willing to articulate on the record our current predicament. Her frank comments took strength, courage and good old-fashioned “chutzpah.” Bullying tactics and intimidation efforts are at an all-time high, and I hope that her comments do not prompt personal attacks. Today’s atmosphere is new to those of us who have for years expressed differing opinions and participated in emotional debate: But who, at the end of the meeting, wished our colleagues a “good night” and meant it.
While the editorial outlined the current makeup and distrust involving the new mayor, everyone should be reminded that remaining productive under challenging circumstances is a part of any successful organization. We are a board of residents who love the city of St. Augustine and have committed ourselves to improving and protecting the historic city for which we are privileged stewards.
We sometimes need reminding that all commissioners are equal. However, our somewhat new election process, (which could probably use changing) may lead voters to think otherwise, and I believe this has contributed to some of the problem.
We have a dedicated and hard-working staff. And, with input from our neighbors, you can be assured that we are hard at work and focused — not on personality issues but on how we can problem solve and improve. There are so many current projects (both city and private) that The Record should have no problem filling its pages with meaningful news coverage. When we have unbiased coverage of a variety of topics, readers will stop relying on opinion blogs to tell them what is important.
In the meantime, we have a lot to look forward to, and it is our job to remain focused on our many tasks and to move forward with positive improvements.
St. Augustine
Freeman is a St. Augustine City Commissioner and an attorney at law.
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seminolesam 04/28/15 - 08:54 am 10Excellent points, Commissioner Freeman!
Thank you for your service....and I hope a collegial and more productive environment will develop.
LocalColor 04/28/15 - 09:01 am 01To correct a problem... must correct the flaws that caused and are maintaining said problem. In this instance, that is most certainly *not* our new Mayor Nancy.
The Muse
The Muse 04/28/15 - 10:34 am 24Problem solving
If you really want to solve a problem, you just get to it- you don't go running to the paper to say bad things about someone. That's not courage and it is not integrity. It's just whining and drama. I have never heard Mayor Shaver say one thing bad about any of the commissioners. Suck it up and put your mind to business instead of being dramatic.
Nigel 04/28/15 - 12:57 pm 01From Outside Looking in
The city commission seems more and more like a reality TV show with each opinion piece. Any chance they could get on the Lifetime channel?
Is it the government the city deserves?
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