Commissioner JAMES KENNETH JOHNS told the St. Augustine Record he plans to speak to "property owners and businesses" about the county government. That's all folks. Pure poetry in motion. Rebarbative Republican corporativist speaks the truth. Thank you!
Commissioner JOHNS announces that he is seeking "re-election" (sic) the Record misreports. He has never been elected PTA President, much less Commissioner. Please, someone, run against this man, duked into his job for his obeisance to radical right-wing Republican orthodoxy and rebarbative bigoted Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT!
Wonder where JOHNS stands on Gay rights? Wherever the Tea Party and KKK tells him to stand? We shall see.

JAMES KENNETH JOHNS, St. Johns County Commissioner, named by Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT, represents "property owners and businesses."
(HCN photo)
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