Posted: April 4, 2015 - 3:40pm

St. Augustine
Today is our annual Easter Parade, sponsored largely by the City of St. Augustine. The city also decorates for the holiday season, we organize fireworks displays and produce concerts in the plaza. Community events build cultural capital and bring us together as friends and neighbors in space we all own equally.
The St. Augustine 450th Commemoration programming also builds cultural capital but is perhaps not as well understood.
Commissioner Todd Neville suggested to me that we do the municipal equivalent of publishing our checkbook online. Therefore all 450th Commemoration financial information is/will be available at
The planning effort for St. Augustine’s 450th anniversary began in fiscal year 2008-09 and will culminate at the end of fiscal year 2014-15 — seven budget years. During that time, the 450th Commemoration Department has been financed through three main areas: General fund transfers, garage parking revenue and event funding (ticket sales, grants and sponsorships). Actual spending for fiscal years 2009 through 2014, plus budgeted spending for 2015, totals $3.6 million. Of that $3.6 million, $1.14 million was/will be paid for by event funding, $1.84 million was/will be paid for by parking garage revenue and $631,000 was/will be transferred from the general fund. In context, over the same fiscal years, the city budgeted $348 million.
The St. Augustine 450th Commemoration staff works with the community to create events and produce city programs. The 450th anniversary will culminate in a community-focused street and music festival from Sept. 4-8 called Celebrate 450! During the seven-year period, 41 events have been associated with the 450th Commemoration, and 24 of those events have been offered to the public free of charge.
There are many issues mixed together creating public discussion. I hear concerns that we spend too much energy on the 450th Commemoration. The public tells me we have real issues to work with in earnest: Traffic, zoning and noise pollution, among others.
The city commission has been discussing the need to prioritize process and business improvements that lead to better governance. Its focus is to adhere to open governance and match city resources to the critical mission. The commission debate is not about commitment to “open governance,” it is about practical details and scheduling our work effort.
The city is governed by five residents and employs 344 dedicated people who believe in the nobility of civil service. These include police officers, firefighters and public works employees who accept personal risk on our behalf to keep us safe and healthy. They are supported by a dedicated workforce that does everything else. Collectively, we administer $50 million annually of public funds that are transacted to the highest levels of “open governance” standards. Our audited financial statements have been recognized for excellence for 22 years in a row. All city officials and employees are everyday heroes to me, and deserve our utmost respect.
My plan for today is to watch friends and neighbors in the Easter Parade and share their joy. I will help a visitor. I will thank a police officer and a parking attendant who would rather be home with their families.
I am going to look at our beautiful city and think about all of the cultural capital in my emotional bank account, which will not cost anything unless I drive and park in the garage for $3 with my ParkNow card (I plan to ride my bike).
I will go home believing I am a wealthy man from the happiness in my heart created by our people and our city, our cultural capital.
I hope you have a similar experience and a very happy Easter holiday.
Regan is the St. Augustine city manager.
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not2extreme 04/06/15 - 08:14 am 20Who's he kidding
What a load of self-serving, responsibility-dodging tripe. Yes, most of the city employees I've dealt with are dedicated professionals trying to provide a good service. Mr. Regan's poor attempt to dodge a hint of "open governance" by covering it with the Easter Bunny is as shameful as the self serving, obfuscating regime he presides over. The "old days" of taking care of friends and relatives are over, and the era of public accountability is here. Too bad that John is the transition person for that new era, but the sooner he embraces that idea the easier his remaining time will be.
LocalColor 04/06/15 - 09:21 am 10MORE smoke'n'mirrors?
How 'bout that 450th disaster, eh? Affected, subjective fantasies aren't going to fix the approaching Founder's Day debacle nor excuse those responsible for it.
Jason Hamilton
Jason Hamilton 04/06/15 - 01:50 pm 20Preachy Sour Jellybeans
1st off not2extreme BINGO we have a winner. Well said.
I have to imagine the Record editors must have laughed a little when selecting this for publication. This is real sour grapes, smugly defensive, and passive aggressive. This article has nothing to do with Easter except for the self imposed cross John Regan is dragging threw the parade. Easter is a guise for Mr. Regan to go on the defensive on the 450th, staffing levels, city prioritizing, spending, and the budget. He also took this opportunity to launch a few snarky shots at resident critics over city parking, perception of city works employees, and open governance critics. The entire article is heavily perfumed with passive aggressive quips, condescending tones, and indignation. I would hope this is just a frustrated vent on the part of the author and not a tip of the cards that gives us a glimpse at the true core of a man. I personally find it to be unbecoming and distasteful of a city official to profess such public immaturity and contempt. If you step on to the public stage you should expect the spot light to be on you at some point.
Switching gears slightly.
" I am going to look at our beautiful city and think about all of the cultural capital in my emotional bank account,..."
This is something a high school beauty queen would spout in order to make herself seem more intelligent during a Q&A session. It is nonsensical. Cultural capital belongs to the city, and culture has no real relation to emotion. When balancing your emotional bank accounts I hope you made the notation in your ledger of this large withdraw from the petty spite & anger account. Don't want any surprises when the statement comes and you notice the once full account is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
LocalColor 04/06/15 - 07:30 pm 00A New Record?
This piece could very well set a new standard for CoSA hypocrisy...which I honestly wouldn't have thought possible.
Keep after 'em, Mayor Nancy!!!
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